We Ship It: 15 Best Will-They-Or-Won’t-They Couples on TV

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Jaime/Brienne – Game of Thrones

Couple: Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth…Beauty and the Beast? Otherwise they have no ship name and it honestly wouldn’t suit them if they did.

Has it Gone Canon: No but enough has been intimated that they love each other. Jaime essentially refused to go to war in season 6 for her and was relieved when he saw her escape. 

Why We Ship It: I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with my colleague Erin in her earlier slide. Brienne’s affections are most definitely not waning on Jaime. If anything they were reinforced in season 6. Jaime even repeated his iconic line “The things we do for love.” All why outside the tent Bronn (Jerome Flynn) made suggested comments about what they were doing in there. These two love each other!

Next: 50 Ways to Get By Until ‘Game of Thrones’ Returns in Summer 2017

It started all the back in season two when they bickered and name called on their way to King’s Landing. Jaime grew to respect Brienne both as a knight and a woman. He loses his freaking hand preventing her rape (never forget! No matter how badly the writer’s botch his character!). He gifts her the other half of Ice (though it should be noted he now carries the half that was given to Joffrey) and armor that actually fits. But most significantly he tells her the truth about that horrible nickname of his. And it was incredibly significant that Jaime returned for her after he was granted his freedom, only to find her in a pit with a bear. He jumps in front of her (and remember he has no sword hand at this point) to protect her and they get out of there by working together. It was stupid and thoughtless and just the kind of thing you do for love.

Their relationship (okay friendship for now) is built is a ton of mutual respect. Brienne admits her loyalty to Renly because he was kind to her when others weren’t. But she doesn’t owe Jaime anything and yet when it looks like there’s a battle on the horizon the two try and figure out the quickest way to avoid a fight – where they would be on opposing sides. Jaime without hesitation loves Brienne and visa versa. I want nothing more than for these two to make it out alive so that they be together. Brienne, especially deserves that opportunity.

– Julie Linzer