Barry Season 2, Episode 6 recap: The truth has a ring to it

Bill Hader in Barry, "The Truth has a Ring to It." / Photo Credit: HBO
Bill Hader in Barry, "The Truth has a Ring to It." / Photo Credit: HBO /

Barry finally channels his darkness to perform the scene of his life, but there’s a catch. Check out our review of the latest episode of HBO’s Barry Season 2.

The truth doesn’t always set you free. Sometimes, there’s something, or someone, that can get in the way. In HBO’s Barry Season 2, that someone getting in the way of the truth used to be Barry. But, even after Barry is honest with himself, there is still a problem to the truth and his name is Fuches.

Barry was finally able to channel his inner demons and anger to perform a scene at a high level. It’s how he channeled his anger that may lead to future problems. Here’s the recap for Barry Season 2, Episode 6 titled, “The truth has a ring to it.”

Barry performs the scene of his life, but there’s a catch

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Throughout Barry’s short acting career, part of why he could never fully immerse himself into his roles was due to his prior obligations. Barry was forced to deal with a life of crime thanks to Fuches and NoHo Hank. However, that’s no longer the case. In the opening scene, Barry once again cuts ties with Fuches and then, Barry pays off his debt with NoHo Hank. For the first time since he’s been LA, Barry has no handler.

Because of this newfound freedom, Barry decides to put all of his energy into his performance as Sally’s ex-husband, Sam. Sally rewrote the scene to more accurately reflect her abusive relationship with Sam, but during a read-through in front of the class, it’s met with negative reviews. Sally storms off in disappointment and as she contemplates on canceling the scene, Barry convinces her to perform it onstage because it’s honest and truthful, which is something Barry has never been.

When the couple begins to act out the scene, Barry reads a few lines without emotion and forces himself to start over. It’s at this moment that he accepts his truth, which is that he killed Detective Moss. Using this hate and anger over killing Moss, he transforms into a believable abuser onstage. Barry and Sally both channel their deepest regrets and perform the best scene of their lives. The scene is raw, violent, and disturbing, but most importantly, it’s honest. However, for Barry, it’s a sad truth. He may have been able to use Moss’s death to perform brilliantly, but that still doesn’t erase the fact that he killed Gene’s girlfriend.

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NoHo Hank makes a mistake

Good news for Hank. Esther and her team are moving back to the monastery in order to receive an important heroin supply. Thanks to Barry’s training, Hank finally has his team full of badasses to take down Esther so he can have Cristobal all to himself. Hank decides to use his team to take out Esther and her men before the shipment arrives. As he leaves the warehouse to go take back the monastery, he and the rest of his team are held at gunpoint and captured by Esther and Cristobal’s men.

Fuches goes on a mission

After their latest chaotic, but successful mission together, Fuches is ready to team up with Barry full-time. However, Barry cannot forgive Fuches for betraying his trust and working with the cops so he cuts ties with Fuches again. Add in the fact that Gene, not Fuches, is Barry’s mentor at the moment and that hurts Fuches.

Angered and motivated, Fuches decides to gain the upper hand on Barry by finding Detective Moss’s body. At first, Fuches struggles to find Detective Moss in the woods. Yet, after accidentally tripping down the side of a hill, Fuches finds Moss’ car. In the final scene of the night, Fuches watches Gene from behind in the same restaurant as he ponders how he will use the information on Moss to destroy Gene’s relationship with Barry.

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Barry Season 2 airs on Sunday nights on HBO after Game of Thrones.