Q&A – ‘Bloodline’ Star Justin Kucsulain Dishes on Season 2


As a crucial component to the second season of ‘Bloodline’, actor Justin Kucsulain’s debut season on Netflix’s sizzling drama was filled with intriguing twists and turns.

If you have watched the latest season of the Netflix original Bloodline, you most definitely remember John’s (Kyle Chandler) secret weapon throughout the season; highly skilled military vet, Hank.

But who exactly is the man behind John’s military trained comrade? What makes him tick and where will his journey go in future seasons

We sat down with his mega talented portrayer, Justin Kucsulain for a Q&A that discusses his pivotal role on the series and so much more!

Hidden Remote: Were you familiar with Bloodline before you landed the role of Hank?

Justin: Absolutely a huge fan of Season 1. I hooked my whole family on this series. When I found out I was up for a role in Season 2, I was so excited to be a part of it. The Florida Keys are beautiful, but when the sun goes down, you see just how dark it can be. With the writing and the cast, it makes for amazing TV.

Hidden Remote: What did you use to build your characterization of Hank on? Did anything or anyone inspire you?

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Justin: I have a good friend that served in Afghanistan. I trained MMA with him for years and he pulled a few of his brothers to safety, which earned him a Purple Heart. We have never gone into detail about it, but he’s been through some serious $#%t and sacrificed a lot to help. He’s through and through a United States Marine down to the core of his soul. We have gone camping together and you should see how this guy sets up his camp. I respect the military highly and I know how “good” our vets are taken care of. I hope I did them justice.

Hidden Remote: What was the best and worst part about filming in the Keys?

Justin: Florida Keys are amazing. Everyone is so inviting and kind. Everywhere you look is beautiful. I want to say the drive was the worst part, but even that was beautiful. Some snacks and good tunes make for easy travel.

Credit: AMC – The Walking Dead

Hidden Remote: Can you give fans an idea on what the production style is like on Bloodline and how it compares to the way The Walking Dead is done? The acting style on Bloodline is so natural that it often feels like you are watching a documentary. Is the dialogue heavily ad-libbed to create that effect or does the cast strictly adhere to a naturally crafted script?

Justin: We definitely follow the script. So many imaginations and so many ways things can play out. I think improvisation sometimes improves or enhances just the delivery and the flow of the scene. Both The Walking Dead and Bloodline were creative collaborations of trained storytellers. Once you know the dialog and the scene, everyone just seems to bring it home in their own way. If you have watched the series, it’s flawless in my opinion. The Walking Dead was similar in a lot of ways. Everyone is so creative and talented. I didn’t ever see a bad take, just different flavors. The direction on set with both Bloodline and The Walking Dead was open minded and so much fun.

Hidden Remote: Has there already been any discussion about bringing your character back for another season, if the show is renewed?

Justin: I have not heard anything yet. I have friends on the production side of things and they’ve assured me that “when they know, I’ll know.”

Justin-Kucsulain – Bloodline

Hidden Remote: How would you like to see the character develop?

Justin: *Keep in mind this is all my imagination, I have absolutely no idea what’s in store BUT …. If I had a choice, I would like to see a brief backstory to explain Hank and John’s relationship. How it came to be that they so casually exchange “favors.” They seem to be good buddies. Something tells me that Hank doesn’t let his guard down for just anyone, and he is still being reserved with John.

I felt as if he was hesitating on helping John in Episode 9 when he told John that he didn’t have the resources to tap into the security cameras. I think we all know Hank made the cameras available to John, but he felt the need to withhold the info from John. Instead, he says “I might know a guy that’s into that kind of thing.” It looks like there will be a lot of boat smuggling in the near future with Kevin Rayburn’s boat yard now owned by the real kingpin who seems to have been Lowry’s boss the whole time. He indeed has a strong hold on the Rayburn family. So if they’re using boats to run drugs and I have the coast guard route info, I can’t imagine Hank will be leaving the story line any time soon.

Related Story: 'Bloodline' - Top 5 Reasons to Binge Watch Season 1

Hidden Remote: Other than knowing that Hank is ex-military, he remains an enigmatic figure throughout the season. Did you come up with any backstory for him or was one given to you by the writers that better contextualized the character for you?

Justin: The character break down was pretty brief. Once I sat in that compound I started to quickly materialize who Hank is. Prior to arriving on set I created a little back story in my head, but in all honestly it really all came together after a few chats with Kyle Chandler. Kyle and I talked about what we felt the relationship was between John and Hank. I have the highest respect for our military so I’m hoping I brought it home.

Hidden Remote: At one point, Hank mentions to John that he would be interesting in dating John’s sister Meg. Do you think Hank would still be interested in her, if he knew everything she’s done?

Justin: That’s really hard to answer. Hank seems like he’s hiding some serious demons as well. I haven’t even thought about Meg and Hank as possible love interests. Have you seen Hank? He’s a mess to say the least.

Justin-Kucsulain – Bloodline Set Photo

Hidden Remote: One question I’m sure a lot of other fans have is whether or not John can edit any of those video files that  Hank sent over from the security camera. Can you shed any light on that?

Justin: Hank is the best at what he does so I imagine anything is possible. He was able to hack into the police station and even source the exact computer that’s in John’s office. This guy is obviously talented. I think there’s a lot that Hank can do but he disguises his abilities with his haggard clothes and terrible hygiene, which makes him “look” completely non suspect.

Related Story: 'Bloodline' Season 2 Review

Hidden Remote: What is your favorite thing about being an actor?

Justin: Progression. I am completely in love with this journey. I play pretend at a professional level. It’s amazing and I can’t imagine my life without this creative form of expression.

Hidden Remote: What has been your favorite filming experience so far?

Justin: The Walking Dead and Bloodline hands down.

Hidden Remote: Given that Bloodline is a Netflix series, it is a part of the binge watching umbrella, the streaming service has become famous for. Are there any good shows you have binged watched recently?

Justin: Chelsea Does was unbelievably hilarious nonstop entertainment, and of course Bloodline.

Credit: Netflix

Hidden Remote: You mainly shared scenes with Kyle Chandler this season. Is there anyone else in the cast, you would be particularly interested in working with moving forward?

Justin: The entire cast is phenomenal. But I think young Owen Teague, who plays Nolan Rayburn, is a ticking time bomb. His performance and character shifts have been nomination worthy. I imagine if he overheard something from John and found Hank’s number it would be a neat scene if he went to Hank to try and figure out more about his Dad’s death by questioning him about John.

Related Story: 'Bloodline' Season 2, Episode 1 Recap: 'Part 14'

Hidden Remote: What experiences in life and/or people leading up to this recent success has prepared you for your career as an actor? 

Justin: At the age of 18 I lost my father in a car accident. Going into my twenties I battled with being overweight and everything else that comes with it; depression, low self-esteem, etc. I was working as a security guard at a night club when I was introduced to a man named Louis Baltz. Lou was the owner of All American Gym and a man who changed my life, physically and mentally. Lou taught me if you can dream it, you can achieve it. He worked with me to fix my weight issues. In a year from meeting him I was able to not only start a small modeling career, but I also racked up some state records in weightlifting. He would tell me “I’m going to take you from fat guy, to that guy.” Now, I don’t think I’m “that guy” but he never stopped pushing me. He encouraged me daily into believing I could do anything I wanted. He was like a father to me. I went to him for all my questions that I probably would have asked my Dad if he was still around. I owe a lot to that man so if he’s reading this; thank you.

I’m looking forward to what comes next in my acting career. I’d love to work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. People have been contacting me lately about how much I look like the Avenger “Sentry.” I’d be honored to have a chance at that role. I’m also interested in the Daredevil and Punisher stories.

Many thanks to Justin for taking the time out of his busy schedule, to do this interview with Hidden Remote. We greatly appreciate it. You can follow Justin on Twitter @JustinKucsulain, on Instagram @JustinKucsulain and on Facebook by clicking here.

Be sure to check out Justin on the second season of Bloodline which is currently streaming on Netflix.