15 Actors Who Need To Return To Television In 2017

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Mark Valley
Mark Valley appears at WonderCon. Photo Credit: Doug Kline/Acquired via Google Creative Commons. /

Mark Valley

Isn’t there an unwritten rule that Mark Valley has to be on television every TV season? It sure feels like it, but there’s nothing wrong with that because he’s essentially the Swiss Army Knife of actors. He does everything except make Julienne fries, and give him a couple of minutes and he’d probably pull that off too.

Valley is a TV veteran who’s been around the block and then some, both in starring roles and supporting ones, on broadcast and cable, as a good guy and a bad guy. But he particularly stands out when you give him the keys to the kingdom. People are still talking about his portrayal of DC Comics hero Christopher Chance in FOX’s Human Target and with good reason – Valley brought to life a kick-behind, witty, yet still moving interpretation of the character that blew the original comic character and the recent Arrowverse version out of the water. He was a full-service leading man and he deserves an opportunity like that again.

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Ever since Human Target got deep-sixed, Valley has been stuck usually playing someone else’s love interest or supporting character, including his one season on ABC’s Body of Proof where his biggest piece of the script was being Dana Delany’s love interest. He’s filming a new role as Grant Devon in Freeform’s new soap Famous In Love, but that’s again him taking a bit of a back seat, this time playing a character’s father. Valley’s a much stronger actor than that. He’s a guy who can control an entire series and make it look easy. Let’s hope that another show comes along that will take full advantage of the many, many things he can do.