Every character who has died on ‘Orange is the New Black’

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Photo Jessica Miglio/Acquired from Netflix/ Orange is the New Black

As we have already learned, not everyone is going to walk out of Litchfield Penitentiary alive. ‘Orange is the New Black’ won’t hesitate to kill characters off, good or bad.

Warning: Obviously, huge spoilers are ahead if you are not completely caught up on the Netflix series Orange is the New Black. 

Surprisingly there haven’t been many deaths, but that doesn’t mean OITNB is to be taken lightly. The series has shocked us several other ways by revealing how horrifying prison can be. And also, by crossing the line with sensitive topics and disgusting scenes.

Which character do you miss the most on Orange is the New Black? Let’s remember everyone we have said goodbye to since the comedy-drama premiered on Netflix back in July 2013…

Photo Patrick Harbron/Acquired from Netflix

Patricia “Tricia” Miller (Madeline Brewer)

Time on the Series: S1, E2 “Tit Punch” — S1, E10 “Bora Bora Bora”

Crime: Drug charges

About the Character and Their Final Moments: We were very sad to see her go. Tricia is the first death in the series, so fans will always remember her. She has also been the youngest inmate we have seen at Litchfield, and it opened our eyes to how dark Orange is the New Black  was about to become. And wow did we have NO idea what we were in for in the seasons to come!

Patricia was young and very naive. She was also a drug addict doing her best to stay clean (most of the time). When Tricia’s girlfriend was released, she had hope the two would keep in touch and be together again some day. But heartbreak struck Patricia when she never heard back from her now ex-girlfriend.

Tricia relapses and is locked in a closet (with drugs) by George Mendez aka Pornstache (Pablo Schreiber). There, Patricia overdoses.