Paul shares supremely bad and racist black face plan to mock Dominique

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The BB19 24/7 feed strikes again, this time revealing Paul’s racist “black face” plan.

It’s no secret to fans of Big Brother that Paul Abrahamian does not like Dominique Cooper. The returning star and would-be house leader has criticized her in the past, accused her of lying and supported HOH Alex Ow’s nomination to evict her. This week, however, his machinations took a turn for the racist.

As seen on the 24/7 feeds, and reported by AOL, Paul was recorded telling other contestants that he planned on wearing “black face” — his words, which he later amended to “black mask” — in order to imitate Dominique, who, yes, is black.

In the clip, which you can watch for yourself below, Paul is in a romper saying that this is will be his live show outfit and that he will wear a “black mask.” The other contestants appear shocked, but also giggle.

Whether his intent is to mock her race, the fact remains he plans to mock her using her race. Furthermore, with his track record toward Dominique, specifically attacking her religion, he doesn’t seem to have a sense that anything is out of bounds. Using blackface — a historically established act of racism — as well as a romper, which is another conversation, to specifically demean or target her is pretty clearly racist.

Alex Ow, who has Head of Household this week, nominated Jessica and Dominque to be on the chopping block this Thursday. Alex was involved in her own “is it racist?” controversy earlier this season when Megan Lowder thought she heard Jessica call Alex “Panda” when in fact she called her “Pao Pao,” a reference to a previous contestant Paola Shea, who Alex reminded Jessica of. (This, according to Shea, was still a little racist.)

Time will tell whether Paul thinks better of the plan — or someone explains the flaws to him — before Thursday’s show. The houseguests, of course, have no idea about the conversation happening around the “black mask” in the outside world. Apparently, this is all in service of dressing up like a snake because women’s clothes and blackface is Paul’s idea of a snake costume.