Take the CBS Big Brother Houseguest quiz

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In lieu of living the Big Brother life, take this Big Brother quiz from CBS to determine what kind of houseguest you are.

For some of us, being a houseguest on Big Brother is aspirational. For others, it’s an experience we wouldn’t want to touch with a 10-foot pole. But whether it’s a dream or a nightmare, we’ve all thought about what we would do if locked in a house with a more than a dozen drunk and dramatics humans.

To help you keep the dream alive, CBS created a “What Kind of Big Brother Houseguest Are You” quiz and it’s goddamn delightful. It’s comprised of seven questions, including both personality-based ones like “how do people describe you” (shout out everyone self-identifying as “evil”) and show-based questions like “do you care about other people in the house?”

We haven’t quite established all the possible answers — we know there’s villains and leaders and masterminds and floaters, at least — it’s a quick and easy run down to find your Big Brother type. The questions are surprisingly and answers are to the point and totally telling.

Take the quiz for yourself and report back on your result.

One of the great joys of competition-based reality TV — like Big Brother, Survivor, and Amazing Race — is imagining yourself in the contestant’s place. Particularly when it comes to “social games” there’s no way to not wonder whether you could handle a situation better. And, of course, how hard really are those physical competitions? (Best guess answer: Super hard.)

It’s also always a delight to see fans of the show arrive to put all that theorizing to the test. Everyone has a strategy, everyone thinks they know how to win. And sometimes they do! And sometimes the super fan is voted off first. It’s wild and that’s why we watch.