The show This Is Us has been doing great since the show started and it turns out that even Susan Kelechi Watson was surprised by how well it has done.
Action News 5 got the chance to talk to Susan Kelechi Watson, who plays Beth Pearson, about her thoughts on the show. She admitted that there are times when they are filming parts and the people who are acting are crying just like the fans cry at home when they watch the show.
So what does she think about how well the show has done? Well, Susan Kelechi Watson is surprised just like the rest of us. I know when I saw a preview, I knew this show would be a hit, but I wasn’t expecting it to become the hit that it has become today. Here is what Susan had to say about it.
"“I just did not know what to think about it, more than that we just created this pilot …and I thought ‘oh yeah that’s great!’ Let’s see if it gets picked up. It got picked up so that’s great, and let’s see what happens when it airs. And when it aired it was great, let’s see what happens with the next episode. So I was taking it step-by-step. It never occurred to me to look far ahead and say this is going to be some huge thing.”"
She does love playing the role of Beth and one of her favorite things is that there is drama all around them, but they aren’t in the middle of it. Beth and Randall do have a great relationship that the viewers really can relate to. They are in love, but they are also real and have their own issues.
Were you surprised by what a big hit This Is Us has been? Don’t miss new episodes on Tuesday nights on NBC.