Teen Wolf best of 2017: Funniest moment, best couple, scene stealers & more

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Photo Credit: Teen Wolf/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press

Best New Character: Nolan

When looking back at the year, Teen Wolf didn’t exactly introduce too many new characters largely due to the desire to keep the focus on the show’s veteran characters and the recurring players fans had invested in over the years. However, one of the few new characters that did stand out was that of Froy Gutierrez whose turn as Nolan was one of 6B’s true highlights.

The way in which Gutierrez managed to bring so much depth to the character and make viewers so invested in his storyline in only 10 episodes was a true testament to his acting abilities. We loved rooting against Nolan during his reign of terror against the supernatural beings of Beacon Hills, yet hoped for his redemption after seeing the redeemable qualities within him during his arc. It’s just a shame we weren’t able to explore his backstory or future more than we were able to do during the show’s final stretch of episodes.

Next: 7 greatest ‘Sterek’ moments in ‘Teen Wolf’ history

Photo Credit: Teen Wolf/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press

Funniest Moment: Stiles Gets an Unexpected Surprise

Throughout all six seasons of Teen Wolf, Stiles has long stood as the source of some of the show’s most memorable comedic moments thanks to Dylan O’Brien’s mastery for comedy (including his incredibly knack for physical comedy)  and his perfect delivery. It seems only fitting that the funniest moment of the year goes to the character who brought us so many laughs.

After getting hit with a sense of pride in seeing Stiles enjoy his first day at the FBI academy, our pride quickly turned to laughter when Stiles saw Derek racing through the woods during his first class. It was such a fun callback to the show’s early days and a nice moment for all of the Sterek shippers.