Once Upon a Time season 7: Grading the OUAT reboot’s new characters

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Photo Credit: OUAT/ABC, Jack Rowand Image Acquired from Disney ABC Media
Photo Credit: OUAT/ABC, Jack Rowand Image Acquired from Disney ABC Media /

Eloise Gardner aka Mother Gothel

Having only just scratched the surface of her character, Mother Gothel thus far this season has proved to be a master manipulator using Hook to get a child she could free herself of her prison in the Enchanted Forest, pushed Rapunzel aka Lady Tremaine to the breaking point in hopes of finding the Guardian and used Drizella to get what she wanted before pushing her to side after she server her purpose. Simply put, she’s proving herself to be one of the most ruthless villains we’ve seen thus far.

However, despite her ruthlessness and best qualities, the character seems to fall flat compared to some of the over-the-top villains we’ve seen in the past. She’s just sort of just there and is easily forgotten.

C+. . Final Grade. . Eloise Gardner aka Mother Gothel

Photo Credit: OUAT/ABC, Jack Rowand Photo Credit Disney ABC Media
Photo Credit: OUAT/ABC, Jack Rowand Photo Credit Disney ABC Media /

Sabine aka Princess Tiana

As one of the season’s new secondary characters, we’ve quickly fallen in love with the show’s take on Princess Tiana and her Hyperion Heights counterpart Sabine. What makes the character so great is that the writers have managed to keep Tiana’s fighting spirit alive in Sabine, allowing her to see the positive in things and strive to making her life better – even when Victoria Belfrey is throwing every obstacle she possibly can in their way.

Our only complaint? Why aren’t we getting more of Sabine/Tiana in every episode! She’s by far the season’s most under utilized player and is a real gem we hope the show spotlights more come 7B.

. Sabine aka Princess Tiana. A. . Final Grade