Season 1: “Sheesh! Cab, Bob?”
Similar to last week, season 1 didn’t really have any specific episodes. The episodes focused less on particular characters and more on the family and restaurant. Despite there not being any character-centric episodes, most of the episode did have some plotlines with single characters.
In “Sheesh! Cab, Bob?” the entire episode follows Tina as she turns 13, her birthday party and eventually, her first kiss. The plot is shared between Bob and Tina, but it focuses on Tina as she becomes a woman. At least for Tina, it’s her rite of passage and by the end of the episode, she matured. She realized how hard Bob worked and learned to appreciate him even if Jimmy Jr didn’t come to her party.
How “Sheesh! Cab, Bob?” impacted Tina: The impact “Sheesh! Cab, Bob?” had on Tina was immense. Throughout the episode, she went from being insecure and bratty to coming out of her shell and appreciating the hard work Bob put in. In addition, it started her supposed “on again, off again” relationship with Jimmy Jr.
Overall, it was a fun introduction to Tina as a character and we could get a glimpse of what was to come. Her first kiss, her first boy-girl party and a spike in maturity was just the beginning of our little Tina!