Chelsea DeBoer revealed that she didn’t push Aubree for name change

Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press
Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press /

Chelsea DeBoer is facing criticism for encouraging Aubree to change her name, so Cole’s name becomes her primary name. Now, she’s sharing some news.

Chelsea DeBoer revealed last year that she would like for her name to match her daughter’s name. When Chelsea got married to Cole DeBoer, her last name changed to DeBoer from Houska. Aubree had taken her father’s last name of Lind, so Aubree started to notice that everyone living in her home had a different last name. Chelsea had talked to friends about the possibility of changing Aubree’s name, but she felt she had to do something when Aubree herself brought it up.

It seems like an admirable thing to do, as Aubree clearly wanted the same last name as her mother, stepfather, and brother, Watson. On Monday’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea went to court to see if they would change the name. In addition, she got the supervised visitation that she had asked the judge, given Adam Lind’s past with drugs and rumors that he was doing meth. It was clear that Chelsea was seriously worried about her daughter’s well-being.

But on Twitter, Chelsea DeBoer also revealed that if Aubree hadn’t brought it up and if she had turned down the option to change her name, Chelsea wouldn’t have dwelled on it. It sounds like Chelsea respects her daughter’s wishes and wouldn’t have pursued the name change if Aubree was indifferent about it.

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This proves that she did this for her daughter and not for herself. This could be something she will discuss on the upcoming special for the Teen Mom 2 reunion. She just filmed this special with Dr. Drew via a Skype interview, possibly because she’s pregnant.

What do you think about Chelsea DeBoer’s tweet, where she talks about her daughter’s wishes?