Chelsea DeBoer breaks the baby news to her daughter Aubree

Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press
Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press /

Chelsea DeBoer is currently pregnant with her second daughter, and fans will learn about the news on Teen Mom 2. But she recently told her daughter.

Chelsea DeBoer is currently expecting her third child, a little baby girl. She will be joining two siblings, Aubree who is currently in school, and little baby Watson who is now a toddler. Chelsea has been a stay-at-home mother with Watson since he was born, so this baby girl will be in good hands. Fans of the couple will get to see Chelsea tell Aubree that she’s pregnant on the upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2. 

As it turns out, Chelsea DeBoer and Cole decided to tell Aubree before they told the producers. In a preview for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea shows Aubree a positive pregnancy test and she knew immediately what it meant. Aubree was super excited and revealed that she really wanted a baby sister. As it turns out, Aubree is getting exactly what she wants. The reveal was filmed on Cole’s cell phone and it was shared with the producers.

It’s awesome that Chelsea DeBoer is focusing on her family and taking the time to tell Aubree in private. Chelsea and the other ladies are required to film many things in their lives, so it’s great that DeBoer is taking the time to reveal such great news to her daughter when the cameras aren’t around.

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It’s even better her husband, Cole DeBoer understands Chelsea’s need to focus on the family first. Not all Teen Mom 2 spouses understand the importance of family, as the fame is often something that pulls these couples apart. Some only date the women because of the MTV fame and money.

What do you think of Chelsea DeBoer telling Aubree about the pregnancy in private?