Gravity Falls: 5 must-see episodes


Today, Shock Factory is releasing Gravity Falls on DVD and Blu-ray. To honor the release, here are 5 must-see episodes of Gravity Falls.

Today, Gravity Falls is being released for the first time on DVD and Blu-ray. For those that don’t know, Gravity Falls is a  Disney animated series about two twins, Dipper and Mabel Pines, who spend their summer in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls with their great uncle (“Grunkle”), Stan.  Gravity Falls is a critically acclaimed show with an almost cultlike following. The series ran for two seasons and ended in 2016.

Here are 5 must-see episodes of Gravity Falls:

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1. “Dipper vs. Manliness” (1×06)

In this episode, Dipper fails a test of manliness at the local diner and gets upset. He then goes on a quest to become more manly. This episode is a hilarious satire of how masculinity is portrayed in society. It shows just how clever Gravity Falls is. The episode contains an ABBA parody, a “multi-bear” (voiced by Alfred Molina) and a group of “manotaurs”. It’s wonderfully weird.

2. “Carpet Diem” (1×16)

“Carpet Diem” is an episode full of wacky hi-jinks and is a lot of fun. In this episode, Dipper and Mabel discover a mysterious carpet in the Mystery Shack (Grunkle Stan’s home and tourist trap). The carpet swaps people’s bodies through static electricity. Mabel and Dipper switch bodies and eventually others do too. The funniest body swap is the switch of Mystery Shack employee, Soos and Waddles, Mabel’s pig. “Carpet Diem” is also an example of some of the adult humor the show gets away with. In it, Mabel trapped in Dipper’s body gets a birds and the bees lesson from Grunkle Stan when he shows her a book titled “Why am I Sweaty?”.

3. “Little Gift Shop of Horrors” (2×06)

This episode is perfect for beginners of the show. This episode has three different vignettes that give a taste of what Gravity Falls is. In this episode Grunkle Stan faces a hand witch, Waddles the pig becomes a genius and talks (and is voiced by the brilliant Neil deGrasse Tyson), and Mabel faces her fear of claymation.

4. “Society of the Blind Eye” (2×07)

“Society of the Blind Eye” shows Gravity Falls can be heartfelt as well as wacky. In this episode, we learn a little bit more about the mysterious town of Gravity Falls and also learn town eccentric, Old Man McGucket’s backstory. During this episode, Dipper and Mabel discover a secret organization (basically a parody of the Illuminati) that erases citizens’ memories when they encounter something strange in the town. It’s an episode of conspiracy theories and town secrets, two things that are a huge part of the show’s core. “Society of the Blind Eye” takes an emotional turn when we are shown McGucket’s past and learn the importance of memories.

5. ” A Tale of Two Stans” (2×12)

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Like “Society of the Blind Eye”, this episode shows a more emotional side of Gravity Falls. In “A Tale of Two Stans”, we finally learn Grunkle Stan’s backstory. Through his backstory, we learn he is more than just a messy, con-artist. He is more multi-faceted than meets the eye. It is character development well done and a fantastic 29 minutes of storytelling. This episode really cements Gravity Falls as one of the best modern animated shows.

What is your favorite episode of Gravity Falls? Comment below!