5 Things that should happen in Gotham season 5

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Jeremiah Valeska should die

As has been previously noted, Gotham has presented the most comic book faithful version of the Joker to date. Over the course of its first four seasons, the show chronicled Jerome Valeska’s (Cameron Monaghan) slow transformation from murderous thug to legitimate supervillain. Then, just as Jerome began to fully transform into the canonical clown Prince of Crime, the character was killed off. But ingeniously, the Joker lived.

In one of season four’s best moments, it was revealed that Jerome’s mousy brother Jeremiah (also Monaghan) has been driven insane by his brother’s toxic laughing gas. Subsequently, Jeremiah began displaying the sadism, brilliance and fashion sense associated with the Joker. He also cemented his supervillain status by leveling large sections of the city and cutting it off from the rest of the United States. And while it would be cool to see Bruce (David Mazouz) and Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) battle Jeremiah throughout season five, I’m hoping he gets killed off sooner rather than later.

One of Gotham’s trademarks has been killing off characters at unexpected times. And it’d be great if someone pragmatic, say Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), just shot him in the head mid-season. That way, the rest of the city’s heroes could focus on repairing the city without having to worry about its greatest villain. Plus, it would fit in the show’s conception of the Joker as a concept, not a single person.

In another signature move, the show could introduce another totally normal Valeska brother played by Monaghan. Logically, the third brother would be a chemical engineer with an interest in stand-up comedy.