This Is Us recap: In the last seven weeks of Randall’s campaign he makes unprecedented strides in the polls, while Kevin asks Zoe to move in with him, and Kate scrambles to get back Toby’s priceless Star Wars figures back when she accidentally sells them.
These last seven weeks have been hard on Randall and his family. When he tells Beth he has to see the campaign through to the end it puts a strain on their marriage and Randall is left sleeping on the couch. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly considering Beth’s needs in all this, and he makes a terrible comment to her saying that she doesn’t have anything important in her life right now. But he makes a good point about how he supported her and the family when she was working.
All the hard work is paying off and Randall is close to doing something unheard of, catching up in the polls and giving him a real chance at winning. Jae Won finds some dirt on Sol Brown that he wants to release – some information about a DUI and bribe – but Randall is clearly uncomfortable with playing dirty.
It’s New Year’s Eve and Beth always celebrates with “Boo-Berry (blueberry) Pie”, but Randall is too late to buy one. He runs into Reverend Hawley at the diner and talks to him about his family and the campaign, how he wants to help the community, but also his struggle about the dirt on Sol. He says he thinks it might be harder to be a good man than it is to be a great one. Hawley tells him to do what would make him smile on his deathbed and gives him the blueberry pie he bought. Randall throws away the dirt on Sol and goes home to his family to apologize to everyone for not being there.
After Randall starts to drop the campaign to focus on his family, Beth apologizes for not supporting him and they all go to church together. Reverend Hawley throws some support Randall’s way, saying that the community would be in capable hands however they chose to vote. On election night its too close to call, but in the end Randall wins – because of course he pulls off the impossible. But something tells me the hardest part is yet to come.

Kate decides its time to turn the office into a nursery, which means its time to sell off Toby’s action figures. She accidentally sells all of them, even the box labeled DNS (Do Not Sell) which she mistakes for “donations.” These were Toby’s complete collection of Star Wars action figures that he was going to give to their son one day. Kate tries everything to get them back, but the kid she sold them to says their priceless and refuses to sell them back.
While Toby converts the office into a nursery, Kate buys up new action figures from eBay. Toby knows the difference immediately, but thanks her for trying. Kate tells him that he’s going to be their son’s favorite thing anyway, not the toys.
Jack built Kate a model of a football stadium that was destroyed in the house fire, something that she would have liked to give to their son. Toby has Kevin find a photo of it and commissions a replica to be made. So now they have replicas of both their favorite things to give their son, but really its going to be them and their new family that matters.

Kevin needs to get Nicky’s VA records to find out what happened to him but needs some help proving he’s next of kin. Zoe used to date a congressman who she contacts to get the VA records, which he does, but he’s still pretty bitter about Zoe breaking up with him via email after their two year relationship. Dick move, Zoe. In any case, there’s no helpful information in the VA records, only that he was discharged and that he signed his papers as Clark Kent.
Zoe has agreed to move in with Kevin, but after his encounter with the heartbroken congressman he begins to doubt her committment. Her moving boxes have been stacked untouched in the living room for weeks and Kevin asks her when she’s planning on unpacking. He worries that he’s going to get an email from her any minute. She’s a little freaked out and says she needs space.
At the election party Zoe realizes that Kevin is only pushing her because their relationship is important, “because we believed in what our future here could be.” Because of her history of sexual abuse the safety of her space is obviously very important to her. In the end she decides she’s in love with Kevin and they unpack her boxes together. When she accidentally starts unpacking mementos from Kevin’s father she finds a postcard from Pennsylvania signed C.K. (Clark Kent). Jack always knew that Nicky was alive and now Kevin knows where he might be able to find him.
This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.