Bob’s Burgers: 5 episodes to watch instead of the Super Bowl

Photo Credit: Bob's Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash
Photo Credit: Bob's Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash
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Photo Credit: Bob’s Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash
Photo Credit: Bob’s Burgers/Fox, Acquired From Fox Flash

5. “Sexy Dance Fighting”

This first episode is from Season 1 of Bob’s Burgers. If you’re going to start this show, many recommend starting with this episode. Entitled “Sexy Dance Fighting,” it’s the first “sporty” episode the series produced. The episode follows Tina as she takes up Capoeira, a mixture of music, dancing, and fighting and the ensuing strain it puts on her relationship with her father, Bob.

“Sexy Dance Fighting” is a great place to start, because it’s a really funny episode and our unofficial first Tina-centric episode. What makes this episode particularly hilarious is the character of Jairo, the teacher of Tina’s class. His tension with Bob is the high-point of the episode especially when Bob goes to pick up Tina from class and an accident happens.

This episode also gives us a taste into Louise’s character, too. She keeps suggesting ways for Bob to get revenge on Jairo. Most are absurd but add another layer of humor to an already funny episode. This episode is arguably one of the best in an otherwise chaotic first season. Looking back, “Sexy Dance Fighting” is where we start to see the characters we know and love come into their own.