Big Brother 21 Episode 5 recap: live eviction episode

Ova Kabir ,playing Whacktivity competition - "This Stinks" on Big Brother. Following the two-night premiere, BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Ova Kabir ,playing Whacktivity competition - "This Stinks" on Big Brother. Following the two-night premiere, BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

The first live eviction episode of the summer aired last night on CBS. In the episode, we saw the fallout from the Veto ceremony and last-minute scrambling before the live eviction. The Camp Comeback twist was revealed by host Julie Chen that will send one evicted houseguest back into the game.

Big Brother 21 Episode 5 aired last night on CBS. It was the summer’s first live eviction show. Ovi Kabir and Kathryn “Kat” Dunn had been nominated for eviction by Head of Household Christie Murphy.

In Big Brother 21 Episode 5, we saw the fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony and last-minute scrambling leading up to the eviction. After that, it was time for the live eviction, Camp Comeback twist reveal, and Head of Household competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 5 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 5 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences, informing them that tonight would have a new twist. This twist promised to have the houseguests heads spinning. Then, the show launched into a recap of the events so far. This recap lasted several minutes. Once the recap was finished, we saw the main title sequence for the first time all season.

Veto ceremony fallout

Christie revealed she nominated Ovi because nobody knows where he stands and she felt he was an easy person to get out. Meanwhile, she felt Kat was a person the Gr8ful Alliance could manipulate and count on as a vote. Kat still felt unsure of her position in the game. Meanwhile, Ovi felt blindsided but vowed to campaign for his safety.

Christie decided to tell both nominees they were pawns because she knew one of them would stay. Ovi broke down in tears when talking with Christie and Jack Matthews. Jack was unhappy with Ovi being nominated instead of Kemi Fakunle. However, he was okay with it as Ovi was one of their targets anyway.

Last-minute scrambling

Ovi and Cliff Hogg III discussed ways to get Ovi votes. Ovi went to Jackson Michie, Kemi, and Nicole Anthony. The Gr8ful Alliance, however, was intent on keeping Kat. However, Kat’s constant paranoia was getting on the everyone’s nerves.

After the paranoid Kat segment, we cut to Julie who continued to tease the twist, before the show headed to a commercial break. Once we got back from the commercials, Ovi talked to Nick Maccarone about votes.

When Nick told Ovi he might be the one going home, Ovi went to Jack and Michie and told them about the Nightmare Power. Ovi told them if he kept them safe for another week, he would be willing to use his Nightmare Power to protect Jack and Michie.

Live eviction

The live eviction with Julie greeting the houseguests. Ovi and Kat then made their final pleas to save themselves. The houseguests went into the diary room to cast their votes. Ovi, Kat, and Christie did not vote. In the end, Ovi was evicted in a unanimous 12-0 vote.

Julie then revealed the vote to the houseguests. As Ovi was giving his good-bye hugs, the Camp Comeback twist was revealed to the houseguests.

Instead of being evicted from the house when they are voted out, they would continue to live in the house as members of Camp Comeback. Camp Comeback members are out of the game. They wouldn’t participate in any competitions, ceremonies, evictions, or votes.

However, they would continue to play the Big Brother social game. Camp Comeback inhabitants would live in an uncomfortable cabin upstairs. One of the first four houseguests get a chance to re-enter the game. David Alexander then re-entered the house to live in Camp Comeback with Ovi.

Head of Household competition

The fourteen houseguests not in Camp Comeback participated in the “BB Fireworks Quiztacular” Head of Household competition. Houseguests watched a series of fireworks displays and Julie would quiz them on what they just saw. Answers would either be red, white, or blue. If you got the answer right, you stayed in the competition. If you got it wrong, you were eliminated.

Nick was the first person eliminated, when he got the second question incorrect. Tommy Bracco, Holly Allen, and Kat were eliminated on the third question. Analyse Talavera, Isabella “Bella” Wang, Sam Smith, Kemi, and Cliff were eliminated on the fourth question. This left Jessica Milagros, Jack, Michie, and Nicole as the remaining competitors.

The fifth question eliminated Nicole and Michie. On the sixth question, both Jack and Jessica answered correctly. The seventh fireworks display was also the last of the competition. Jack answered blue and Jessica answered red. The correct answer was blue and Jack was named the new Head of Household.

Post Head of Household competition

After the Head of Household competition, Julie closed out Big Brother 21 Episode 5 by talking to David and Ovi at Camp Comeback. Julie asked them about their new digs. She also asked David what it felt like to be back in the house. Julie then asked Ovi what it felt like to still be living in a house with people who voted unanimously to evict him.

Julie then asked David who he wanted to talk to first other than Ovi. David answered that he wanted to talk to Michie to find out about what happened with his banishment.

Next. Big Brother 21 Episode 5 preview. dark

With the eviction over, a new week starts. On Sunday, we will see the Panic Whacktivity Comp and what power will be unleashed on the house. It is also here we will find out who Jack nominates for eviction.