Big Brother 21 Episode 7 recap: Tyler Crispen returns

Former Houseguest Tyler Crispen hosts the Veto Comp "Froggy Style" on BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo:best possible screengrab//CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Former Houseguest Tyler Crispen hosts the Veto Comp "Froggy Style" on BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo:best possible screengrab//CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

A new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 7. In the episode we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, the Power of Veto competition, veto ceremony, and a special guest appearance from Big Brother 20 runner-up Tyler Crispen.

In Big Brother 21 Episode 7, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony. Head of Household Jack Matthews had nominated Kemi Fakunle and Jessica Milagros for eviction during Sunday’s episode. Then we saw the Power of Veto competition. After the Power of Veto competition, we saw the last-minute scrambling leading up to the Veto ceremony and the Veto ceremony. Big Brother 20 legend Tyler Crispen also made a special guest appearance to host the Power of Veto competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 7 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 7 began with a recap of the events so far this week. This lasted a few minutes. After that, the main title sequence appeared.

Nomination ceremony fallout

Jessica was not happy about being nominated and knew the Veto was vital to her game. Kemi was not surprised by her nomination and wanted Jack to be shook when she won the Power of Veto. Bella told Nicole Anthony she informed Jack about their alliance.

Kemi had an awkward conversation with Jack. Kemi wanted to oust Jack, while Jack wanted to blindside Kemi. Nicole told Jessica that Bella ratted out their alliance, to Jessica’s shock. Jessica and Nicole were unhappy with Bella for ratting them out.

The Camp Comeback duo of Ovi Kabir and David Alexander had a chat but David wasn’t revealing much to Ovi other than he wanted to cause chaos. However, David did have the house figured out. He knew Jackson Michie and Jack were at the top. Holly Allen and Analyse Talavera were just below them. He also thought Christie Murphy and Nick Maccarone were leading the big alliance dominating the game.

David also saw Tommy Bracco as a likeable guy that nobody would want to put on the block. He knew Nick and Bella had a connection. David also thought Cliff Hogg III, Jessica, and Kemi were outsiders who didn’t know what was going on. David also felt Sam was in no alliances and was a wildcard he would love to have on his team.

The houseguests then experienced an earthquake. You could see the house shaking and it lasted for a while. After the earthquake, David and Ovi were instructed to get into their Camp Comeback uniforms.

Jessica went to talk to Michie because she was upset about the events that transpired. Michie tried to comfort Jessica. Jessica felt her and MIchie had a close relationship. Michie hoped he wouldn’t get picked to play in the Power of Veto competition so he wouldn’t have to go against Jessica or Jack.

Power of Veto competition

Next, the draw for Power of Veto players happened. Jack drew Bella’s name, Jessica drew houseguest choice and chose Michie to compete. Nicole was upset Jessica didn’t pick her with the houseguest choice. Kemi drew Sam Smith’s chip. Sam was happy about getting the chance to play. David felt that Jessica made the wrong move choosing Michie.

Kemi took the time to pump herself up before the Veto competition. Big Brother 20 legend Tyler Crispen came into the house and surprised the houseguests. Tyler was there to host the Power of Veto competition. The winner of the Power of Veto competition not only received the Power of Veto but a trip for two to Fiji as well.

In the Power of Veto competition, players had to pull a plug to start their aqua clock timer. Then, they had to grab a frog from the lake and place it on their stand. They could only grab one frog at a time.

However, they could only stack frogs while there was water in their aqua clock. To get more time, they would have to fill their aqua clock with water. When their time ran out, their score would be the number of frogs they had stacked. The player with the highest score would win the Power of Veto.

Sam won the Power of Veto and trip for two to Fiji with 18 frogs. Michie finished with nine frogs, Bella finished with no frogs, Jack scored 12 frogs, Jessica scored 13 frogs, and Kemi scored four frogs. This marked Sam’s second straight Power of Veto competition of the summer.

Power of Veto competition fallout

Kathryn “Kat” Dunn tried to talk to Sam about not using the Veto because she was worried that she would be the replacement nominee. Things turned awkward when Kemi walked into the room. Jessica tried to pitch Sam as to why he should use the Veto on her. Things turned awkward when Nicole walked into the room.

Kemi then tried to talk Sam into using the Power of Veto on her. Sam did consider using the Power of Veto on Kemi because he liked her and felt she was genuine.

Sam was then called to the diary room. He received a letter from his wife informing him that his grandfather had passed away. In wake of this news, the houseguests tried to comfort Sam who was naturally heartbroken. Despite the news, Sam elected to remain in the house and stay in the game.

Power of Veto ceremony

At the Power of Veto decided not to use the Power of Veto. Kemi and Jessica will face eviction tonight, where one of them will enter Camp Comeback.

Next. Rachel Reilly and Elissa Reilly Slater talk Big Brother, The Amazing Race 31. dark

Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see who is evicted and joins Camp Comeback.