Big Brother 21 Episode 15 recap: Same old, same old

Houseguest play the HOH Comp "Pose In Ivy" on the fourth live Big Brother eviction show. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Houseguest play the HOH Comp "Pose In Ivy" on the fourth live Big Brother eviction show. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 15. In this episode, we saw the Head of Household Competition, poison ivy punishment, Kat’s conspiracy theories, and the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 15 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, Isabella “Bella” Wang was evicted in an 8-2 vote. Host Julie Chen-Moonves teased CBS audiences about the America’s Field Trip twist. Then, the houseguests competed in the “Pose-in Ivy” Head of Household Competition.

Tonight, we saw the conclusion of the Head of Household Competition and what the poison ivy punishment is. We also saw Kat’s crazy conspiracy theories and last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 15 concluded with the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 15 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 15 began with a recap of the events leading up to where we are now. That lasted for a couple of minutes. Then, the show launched into its main title sequence. After that, Big Brother 21 Episode 15 picked up where Episode 14 left off, with the houseguests playing the Head of Household Competition.

Head of Household Competition

For this Head of Household Competition, houseguests had to hang onto their vines for as long as they could. If they fell off, they were eliminated. The last houseguest standing would become Head of Household. If a houseguest fell off, they to pull a chip from the punishment box. Two houseguests would receive the poison ivy punishment.

Nick Maccarone and Sam Smith felt the need to win Head of Household after Bella was evicted. Both of them were close to her and were likely to be nominated if they didn’t win. Jessica Milagros was the first to fall after 3 minutes and 56 seconds. She drew from the punishment box and was safe from punishment.

Jackson Michie felt the need to win Head of Household because Nick informed Michie that Christie Murphy was targeting her. Christie was eliminated after 15 minutes and drew the poison ivy punishment chip. Once Nick dropped after 17 minutes, that left Kathryn “Kat” Dunn as the last hope standing for a possible power shift.

However, Kat only wanted to beat Michie because of how poorly Michie treated her. The show then showed a series of flashbacks in which Michie treated Kat like dirt. Tommy Bracco dropped out after 39 minutes and drew the other poison ivy punishment chip. Tommy dropped because he felt now was not the time to be winning competitions given the state of his game.

Michie fell after 1 hour and 29 minutes. Kat fell one minute later. Holly Allen and Analyse Talavera both promised Kat safety before she fell. Kat felt like she won the game after beating Michie. Holly and Analyse tried to make a deal for Head of Household. However, Michie kept interrupting them and discouraging Holly from making a deal, to Analyse’s chagrin.

Finally, Analyse fell off and Holly was named the new Head of Household. Holly was ecstatic about having finally won a competition. Analyse was infuriated with Michie’s behavior during the competition. Michie was pleased with the outcome of the Head of Household Competition. Nick knew he was in trouble with the Six Shooters in charge.

Last-minute scrambling and HOH room reveal

Cliff Hogg III gave the Six Shooters alliance some left over beers he had in an attempt to further ensure safety from the six. Analyse expressed her disgust for Michie with Christie and Tommy.  Analyse threatened to stop working with Holly and Michie if Nick wasn’t nominated.

After a commercial break, we saw the reveal of Holly’s Head of Household room. Her calls to see the Head of Household room went unheard at first. This was pretty poetic considering she has hardly been heard from on the show by Big Brother fans. Once Holly revealed her HOH room, she read the letter from her family.

Christie and Tommy discussed Michie’s recent behavior. Christie was not a fan of Michie because his behavior conflicted with her beliefs. Christie and Tommy felt they could not go to the end with Michie. Christie in particular, noted that she was done with Michie.

Holly and Michie discussed who would be nominated for eviction. Holly suggested she would nominate Nick and Sam. However, Michie tried to discourage Holly from doing that. Michie floated the idea of nominating Nicole Anthony alongside Nick. Michie felt it would be a potentially safer route than nominating both Nick and Sam.

Kat’s crazy conspiracy theories

There was a segment about how Kat believed in all sorts of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories include that the moon landing was faked, Tupac is still alive, Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a clone, and that aliens are real.

Poison ivy punishment and more scrambling

After the segment about Kat’s conspiracy theories, Christie and Tommy were called into the diary room to receive their poison ivy punishment. They had to wear a poison ivy costume (complete with rashes). Additionally, they couldn’t go outside or take a shower for four days because they were now quarantined.

Sam went up to the Head of Household room to talk to Holly and Michie. Sam knew he would be guilty by association with Nick so he tried to deflect attention off of him. Sam offered to work with Holly and Michie when the Six Shooters broke up. Sam promised Michie and Holly neither of them would be nominated if he won Head of Household.

Late at night, Michie tried to convince Holly that Christie needed to go. He felt that once Nick and Sam were broken up, they would be the next to go. Michie also felt Christie was a threat because of how people came to her for everything. It also had something to do with Nick ratting Christie out. Holly considered the move.

Nomination ceremony

At the nomination ceremony, Holly nominated Nick and Sam for eviction. Holly knew the Six Shooters wanted Nick or Sam out and was fine being the driving force behind it. Nick knew he had to win the Power of Veto because otherwise he would most likely be evicted. Sam also knew he needed to win the Power of Veto to best ensure that he stays.

dark. Next. Big Brother 21 Week 5 Power Rankings

Tune in Wednesday at 9 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto and who a potential replacement nominee might be!