An all new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 18. In this episode, we saw the demise of the Six Shooters alliance, the events that nearly led to a flip vote, Head of Household Competition, and the nomination ceremony. This was easily the best and most memorable episode of the season.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, Sam Smith and Kathryn “Kat” Dunn were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Holly Allen. Kat had previously volunteered to be the replacement nominee to hide her relationship with Holly and it nearly backfired on her. The vote nearly flipped last minute to save Sam. However, it was not to be as Sam was evicted by a vote of 9-0.
In this episode, we saw the demise of the Six Shooters alliance, events that nearly led to the vote being flipped, Head of Household Competition, and nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 18 began with a recap of the events that lasted for a few minutes. The main title sequence was not shown in this episode. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 18 began where Episode 17 left off, at the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.
Even though the episode started at the beginning of the Head of Household Competition, the first thing we actually saw was a series of flashbacks from a crazy whirlwind of events. These events nearly led to the vote being flipped.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18: The Demise of the Six Shooters
Houseguests were studying for the Head of Household Competition. Kat was grateful to still be in the house but at the same time paranoid, because she came very close to being evicted. Jack Matthews then led us into a big flashback about how the demise of the Six Shooters alliance.
4 hours and 18 minutes before the live eviction, Jackson Michie and Jack were having a conversation in the archery room. Michie was worried that Christie Murphy and Tommy Bracco would take a shot at the Six Shooters and wanted Christie out. Jack was not concerned about Michie’s worries. Then, Michie accidentally let it slip that Kat and Holly know each other outside of the house.
Jack then relayed Michie’s information back to Tommy. Tommy revealed in private that he had had his suspicions about Kat and Holly knowing each other previously from a comment Holly made. However, he didn’t say anything about it because he didn’t want to risk him and Christie being exposed. Tommy then told Jack he felt Holly, Kat, and MIchie were a secret trio.
This revelation led Tommy to want to flip the vote and keep Sam. Christie then walked into the room with Tommy and Jack. Tommy relayed Jack’s information to Christie who was shocked. Tommy declared Six Shooters was no more. Jack and Tommy proposed a new six-person alliance with Jack, Tommy, Christie, Sam, Analyse Talavera, and Nick Maccarone. Christie agreed to the flip vote and new alliance plan.
3 hours and 16 minutes before the live eviction, Tommy talked to Analyse about flipping the votes. Analyse was unsure if flipping the vote was the right move. Tommy ultimately convinced her to do it and informed her they couldn’t tell Sam. Unbeknownst to Tommy and Analyse, Holly was listening in on their conversation.
Holly relayed to Michie that the house was flipping and keeping Sam. Michie then had a very awkward conversation with Tommy and Analyse to make sure they were still on board with keeping Kat.
Holly then had confronted Tommy about the potential flip vote. Tommy said he didn’t know if people were flipping.
Michie then had a conversation with Jack about the flip vote while they were feeding the fish. However, Jack denied that a flip vote was taking place.
2 hours and 4 minutes before the live eviction, Holly informed Tommy she overheard him and Analyse talking about flipping the vote. Tommy told Holly he didn’t feel safe in the alliance after the way Jackson’s acting. Tommy then informed Holly that Jackson had told Jack that Holly and Kat knew each other from outside the house. Holly denied being a trio with Michie and Kat.
Jack walked in the room and Holly let Tommy and Jack know she felt disrespected. Michie, Christie, and Analyse then entered the room. The Six Shooters then had a blowup with Christie and Michie arguing over Michie’s paranoia about Christie.
This argument was loud enough that Jessica Milagros and Nick Maccarone could hear it from the bathroom. Nick and Jessica celebrated the demise of the Six Shooters. Cliff Hogg III informed Nicole Anthony the Six were breaking up. Cliff celebrated the demise of the couples alliance in private.
Michie and Christie then argued about Michie’s rogue vote. This was loud enough to be heard in the kitchen. Nicole was not happy to realize the rogue vote was Michie.
The argument then turned to Michie’s behavior with Christie. Christie was not happy with Michie’s behavior towards her. Michie then stormed out of the room, pissed off at Jack for betraying him, and slammed the door shut behind him.
1 hour and 44 minutes before the live eviction, Kat walked into the room where the Six Shooters had been. Cliff also entered the room. Kat made an emotional plea to save her life in the game.
Cliff and Jessica talked about how they were going to vote. Jessica hated not being included in conversations in the house. She also hated that she had no way to save Kat because she felt very close to Kat and lamented feeling so powerless.
Michie and Holly then had a conversation in the storage room. MIchie lamented being burned by Jack. Michie and Jack had been very close before this chaos happened.
Christie then talked with Tommy, Holly, Michie, and Jack to switch the vote back to keep Kat. Christie told those in the room that the six are off. Tommy and Jack then got in argument with Michie about how he didn’t come clean that Michie, Holly, and Kat knew each other.
Christie told Jack that Kat didn’t deserve to go. Christie felt that Michie was the one that was messing things up with their alliance. Christie then told Jessica, Nicole, Analyse, and Kat that she was voting to evict Sam. Sam was then informed he was being evicted. With the Six Shooters dead, it was now anyone’s game, making this Head of Household Competition more important than ever.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18: Head of Household Competition
For this week’s Head of Household Competition, themed kiosks were spread throughout the backyard. These kiosks contained advertisements for different kinds of camps. They would be given a certain amount of time to study the advertisements. After time was up, houseguests had to head to their booth.
At the booth, they would be asked questions about what they saw. If the answer was correct, they remained in the competition. If they got it wrong, they were immediately eliminated. The last houseguest remaining would be crowned Head of Household.
Michie was eliminated on the first question and was upset that he lost. Analyse and Cliff were eliminated on the second question. Tommy and Nick were eliminated on the third question. Christie was eliminated on the fourth question. Jack was eliminated on the fifth question. Nicole was eliminated on the sixth question.
The Head of Household Competition came down to Jessica and Kat. Jessica got the seventh question right and Kat got it wrong, making Jessica the new Head of Household.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18: Head of Household Competition fallout
Jessica celebrated her Head of Household win. Michie was still unhappy about losing the Head of Household Competition. Tommy had no idea what Jessica was going to do as Head of Household.
The Cliff’s Angels alliance (Kat, Nicole, Jessica, and Cliff) celebrated Jessica’s Head of Household win in the storage room. Cliff told them they had to stick together.
The Six Shooters (except Michie) lamented the demise of the Six Shooters. They also lamented their loss in the Head of Household Competition.
Holly and Kat then vented about how stupid Jackson was for telling Jack they knew each other. However, Holly was not ready to let go of Michie. Holly did say that Kat would be her number one ally moving forward and not Michie. Kat said in private that Holly was her number one even though she knew it meant Michie was attached to them. Kat also knew that Michie was untrustworthy. However, Kat didn’t see Michie as a threat to her because everyone else wants him out.
After Jessica got her Head of Household room, Cliff’s Angels celebrated the win again in the Head of Household room. Jessica wanted to nominate Michie and Jack. Kat knew Jack would never work with them but Michie might. Kat then came up with a plan to blindside the rest of the house by making them think Michie was being targete when it was really Jack.
Jessica felt empowered by winning Head of Household because the Cliff’s Angels members had been excluded from a lot in the house. Now, Jessica could keep all of them safe for at least one more week.
Big Brother 21 Episode 18: Nomination ceremony
At the nomination ceremony, Jessica nominated Jack and Michie for eviction. Michie felt he was on no man’s island and that he had trusted the wrong people. However, he vowed not to go down without a fight. Jack lamented the choice he made to betray Michie and was upset about being nominated. Nicole informed audiences that the Cliff’s Angels were going after the alpha males without fear.
Tune in Wednesday at 9 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto!