Big Brother 21 Episode 19 recap: power shift complete

Kathryn Dunn and Jessica Milagros on Big Brother. BiIG BROTHER airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Kathryn Dunn and Jessica Milagros on Big Brother. BiIG BROTHER airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

Big Brother 21 Episode 19 aired last night on CBS! Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie had been nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jessica Milagros. This week, the Power of Veto was more important than ever as this was the last time Christie Murphy could use her Panic Power. In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, pre-Power of Veto scrambling, and the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw last-minute scrambling and Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 19 aired last night on CBS! In the previous episode, the Six Shooters alliance crumbled. Jessica Milagros won Head of Household. The Cliff’s Angels alliance (Cliff Hogg III, Kathryn “Kat” Dunn, Jessica Milagros, and Nicole Anthony) celebrated their newfound power. Their new alliance targeted Jack Matthews. At the nomination ceremony, Jessica nominated Jackson Michie and Jack for eviction.

Last night, we saw the fallout from the nomination ceremony, pre-Power of Veto scrambling and Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto ceremony, we saw last-minute scrambling and the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 19 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 19 began like most episodes do, with a recap of events. This lasted a few minutes. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 19 picked up where Episode 18 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.

Nomination ceremony fallout and pre-Power of Veto planning

Jessica nominated Jack and Michie because they’re two strong competitors. Michie was focused on surviving the week given his relationship with Jack was now non-existent. Christie Murphy still had the Panic Power in her back pocket so she felt there was still a chance that things could go her alliance’s way. Jack was upset he lost Michie’s trust and that they were on the block together. However, he felt confident Michie would be evicted over him.

Jack talked with Analyse Talavera about the decision he had made the previous day. He was upset with himself for having betrayed Michie. Michie was upset and had a pity party with Holly Allen. Holly encouraged Michie to win the Power of Veto and take himself off the chopping block.

Holly felt she had a good relationship with Jessica and tried to make moves to save herself and Michie. Jessica talked about the two alpha males and how different they were from each other. Jessica wanted Jack out because of the way he acted in the house. Kat was worried about Jack convincing Christie to use her Panic Power.

Jack told Tommy, Christie, and Nick he was going to win the Power of Veto.  Nick told them Michie winning was worst case scenario. Jack said he felt he could win the Power of Veto and stay on the block because he was that confident Michie was going home. He also thought that if he did that it would be a Big Brother first (it wouldn’t).

Nick, Jessica, Kat, Cliff, and Nicole discussed the Power of Veto in the Head of Household room. They agreed it would be best if one of those in the room won Power of Veto. Jessica told Nick that she felt it was Jack’s time to go. Nick agreed to Jessica but in private explained that he considered himself a free agent and was playing both sides. Nick didn’t even know which side he wanted to work with.

Power of Veto Competition

Then, it was time for the Power of Veto Competition. Jack and Michie were already playing as nominees. Jessica was already playing as Head of Household. The three of them would randomly draw to decide the other three Power of Veto players.

Jessica drew first and got the Houseguest Choice chip. She selected Kat to compete. Jack also got the Houseguest Choice chip. He chose Tommy to compete. Michie drew Nick’s chip.

Christie told Jack she wanted to make sure he was safe and that Michie left. Christie also told him he would be willing to use her Panic Power for him. Holly tried to fire up Michie before the Power of Veto Competition.

For this week’s Power of Veto Competition, players had to go for a spin before launching their rocket onto the game board. The spot their rocket landed on would be their score for the round. The person with the lowest score each round would be eliminated. Once eliminated, players would claim an astronaut helmet revealing their prize or punishment. These prizes could be traded if the next person eliminated decided they wanted to trade.

Kat was eliminated and received the Power of Veto, which she didn’t hold on to for long. Jack was eliminated second and received a trip to Hawaii. He traded this to Kat for the Power of Veto. Tommy was eliminated third and received the Angry Alien punishment. He traded this to Jack for the Power of Veto.

Michie was the fourth person eliminated and received the BB Explorer punishment and traded it to Tommy for the Power of Veto. Jessica defeated Nick in the final round. Nick received $5,000 and kept it, knowing Jessica would take the Power of Veto. Jessica received the Area 21 punishment, she traded this to Michie for the Power of Veto. This ended the Power of Veto Competition

Christie knew her Panic Power was going to waste since Jessica won the Power of Veto. Jack knew that Jessica winning meant he was staying on the chopping block. He was not happy knowing he also had the Angry Alien punishment to deal with. Michie felt the Area 21 punishment was the cherry on top of a terrible week for him in the Big Brother house.

Last-minute scrambling

In the Head of Household room, Christie told Jessica she was voting to evict Michie. Jessica informed Christie that Jack was her target this week as he was only loyal to three people and she wasn’t one of them. Christie mentioned that Analyse, Tommy, herself, and Nick were voting to evict Michie. This didn’t sit well with Jessica as Nick had told her he would be voting to evict Jack. Christie felt Jack didn’t deserve to go and that Michie was the common denominator on every lie and bit of drama that happened.

Michie overheard Christie talking with Nick, Tommy, and Jack talking about Kat and her vote. Nick also made a comment about how if Jessica got mad and felt like you were pushing her, she would use the Power of Veto on Michie. Michie immediately relayed this information to Jessica, Kat, Holly, and Nicole. Jessica realized Nick was playing both sides. She threatened to take Michie off the block and replace him with Nick.

Tommy’s punishment

Tommy then received his BB Explorer punishment. He dressed up like a rocket for the week. Whenever Tommy heard his call to duty, he had to go to every single room in the house and announce the speed at which he is traveling. He would travel at either the speed of light, speed of sound, or speed of smell.

When traveling at the speed of light, Tommy carried flashing lights around with him to every room. When traveling at the speed of sound, he had to carry air horns around and blow them in each room. When traveling at the speed of smell, he unleashed a foul smell in every room. Tommy could get called upon to do his duties at any time.

Power of Veto ceremony

Before the Power of Veto ceremony got started, Tommy had to travel at the speed of smell. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Jessica decided not to use the Power of Veto. Jessica was looking forward to seeing Jack go home on Thursday.

Christie was upset that Jack was still on the block and her Panic Power went to waste but vowed to fight to keep Jack. Jack was upset about his position in the game. Michie wasn’t fond of being on the block but felt that Jack had more people coming after him and vowed to do what he needed to in order to stay. This concluded Big Brother 21 Episode 19.

Next. Big Brother 21 Episode 19 Preview. dark

Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see who gets evicted between Jack and Michie!