Big Brother 21 Episode 23 recap: a fan favorite is evicted and power shifts again

Kathryn Dunn plays Veto comp "OTEV Paranoia Pigeon" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show. Photo: screengrab/CBS ©20169CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Kathryn Dunn plays Veto comp "OTEV Paranoia Pigeon" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show. Photo: screengrab/CBS ©20169CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 23. Fan favorites Kathryn “Kat” Dunn and Cliff Hogg III were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Tommy Bracco. In this episode, a new alliance of six formed now that the Six Shooters were dead and quickly got blown up. Then, the seventh person was evicted from the Big Brother house. Big Brother 21 Episode 23 concluded with the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 23 aired last night on CBS. It was the seventh live eviction show of the summer. Fan favorites Kathryn “Kat” Dunn and Cliff Hogg III were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Tommy Bracco.

In the previous episode, Christie Murphy was a special third nominee after losing the America’s Field Trip Competition. Cliff Hogg III and Kathryn “Kat” Dunn were nominated by Head of Household Tommy Bracco.

Before the Power of Veto Competition, Tommy was released from his BB Explorer punishment. Tommy and the three nominees competed for the Power of Veto alongside Nick Maccarone and Jackson Michie. Tommy defeated Nick to win the Power of Veto in the classic OTEV competition. He used the Power of Veto to save Christie. No replacement nominee was named because of how Christie nominated.

Tonight, then a new alliance of six formed in place of the former Six Shooters and quickly got blown up. The seventh person evicted was revealed. Big Brother 21 Episode 23 concluded with the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 23 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 23 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences and gave us a run down of recent events. Then, the show launched into the recap of events. The main title sequence was not shown. This is typical on eviction nights. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 23 began where Episode 22 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

Power of Veto ceremony fallout and last-minute scrambling

Tommy explained that Kat was originally his target, but he didn’t want to overlook Cliff. His goal was to do what was best for his game. Cliff wasn’t surprised Tommy used the Power of Veto on Christie. He knew he had to make sure he was safe because Kat had a knack for escaping the block.

Kat felt more nervous than ever. She felt she had the potential to win the game but had to make it off the block first. Nicole Anthony felt Christie getting vetoed was the worst-case scenario because she was losing an ally either way now.

Kat and Cliff had a conversation. Kat told Cliff to do what he needed to do but not to throw her under the bus. Cliff agreed he wouldn’t do that.

Kat went to Michie to talk game. Michie told Kat he thought Cliff was the bigger threat and promised she’d be fine. Kat revealed in private she thought she had Holly Allen and Michie’s votes as well as Jessica Milagros’. However, she didn’t know who a potential fourth vote to keep her would be.

Nick Maccarone, Tommy, and Christie had a chat in the Head of Household room. Nick wanted to build a new six to take out Michie and Holly. Christie proposed a new alliance of six consisting of Analyse Talavera, herself, Tommy, Nick, Nicole, and Cliff.

Nick then went to Cliff and talked to him about the proposed new alliance. Cliff agreed to the deal and felt it was a good thing for him. Nick informed Christie that Cliff had accepted the deal. Christie was excited and revealed in private that she didn’t want to go to the end with couples.

Nick then went to Nicole and told her she was the swing vote. He then told her about the proposed alliance of six. Nicole was leery of the proposed six because she felt she was on the low end of the totem pole within the alliance.

Michie and Holly then had a chat in the hammock. They talked about how they were trying to keep low profiles. Holly wanted Kat to stay in the game because Kat was in her final two. However, because people had their suspicions about Holly, Kat, and Michie, she knew she couldn’t help campaign for Kat.

Kat then campaigned to Nicole. Nicole was torn on who to vote to evict because she was close to both Cliff and Kat. Cliff then talked to Nicole and told her about Nick’s proposed alliance of six. However, Nicole was still leery of the alliance because of Nick’s relationship with Tommy and Analyse. Jessica not being included in the alliance felt wrong to Nicole.

Nicole went to talk to Jessica and revealed the proposed alliance of six to her. She also revealed they wanted to get rid of Kat this week followed by Michie, Holly, and Jessica. Jessica lamented being left out of everything in the game.

Jessica then had a conversation with Kat and revealed Cliff’s new alliance to her. Kat felt blindsided and hurt by the deal Cliff made and broke down.

Kat then confronted Cliff about the deal he made. Cliff explained he made the deal because he was on the block. Kat told him she thought he should stand up for what he believes in and she was disappointed in him for making this deal. Cliff explained his reasoning for making the deal to her. Cliff said in private that he hated seeing Kat so upset but knew he had to do what he needed to in order to make it another week.

Jessica then told Holly about the new six. Holly then relayed this information to Michie. Holly then told Michie they had to make sure they had Nicole’s vote to keep Kat. If they didn’t have it, Michie and Holly knew they would be in bad shape moving forward.

The new six had a meeting together. Cliff readily agreed to the new alliance, but Nicole was still uncertain which way she would swing.

Live eviction

At the live eviction, Kat was evicted in a 6-1 vote. Jessica was the only person who voted for Kat to stay. This makes Kat the second member of the jury. On her way out, Kat only hugged Jessica.

Kat then had her eviction interview with Julie. The biggest topic covered was Kat confronting Cliff about his alliance. They also talked about Kat’s final two with Holly.

Head of Household Competition

Big Brother 21 Episode 23 concluded with the Head of Household Competition. For this Head of Household Competition, players had to fill their mugs with beer from the barrel at the start of the lane. Then, they had to slide down to the other side of the lane and pour the beer in the stine.

The first houseguest to fill their stine to the point they could remove their ping-pong ball would be the new Head of Household. Viewers did not get to see the end of the competition on television. However, it did play out over the Big Brother live feeds.

Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who the new Head of Household is and who they nominate for eviction!