A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 24. In this episode, we saw how the Head of Household Competition played out. Then, we saw the fallout and last-minute scrambling to avoid being nominated. Big Brother 21 Episode 24 concluded with the nomination ceremony.
A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 24. In the previous episode, Cliff Hogg III and Kathryn “Kat” Dunn were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Tommy Bracco. Cliff blindsided his own alliance and made a deal with Tommy’s side of the house to keep himself safe. At the live eviction, Kat was evicted 6-1 and became the second member of the jury. Then, the Head of Household Competition began.
Tonight, we saw the conclusion of the Head of Household Competition. After the Head of Household Competition, we saw fallout from the Head of Household Competition and last-minute scrambling to avoid being nominated for eviction. Big Brother 21 Episode 24 concluded with the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 24 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 24 began the way most episodes do, with a recap of the events leading up to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. Once the recap finished, Big Brother 21 Episode 24 began where Episode 23 left off, at the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.
Head of Household Competition + flashbacks
For this Head of Household Competition, players had to fill their mugs with beer from the barrel at the start of the lane. Then, they had to slide down to the other side of the lane and pour the beer in the stine. The first houseguest to fill their stine to the point they could remove their ping pong ball would be the new Head of Household.
Nicole Anthony said that voting out Kat was the hardest decision she had to make in the game. She felt she needed to do what was best for her game. She knew if she voted Kat out she would make the fewest waves.
Holly Allen regretted not doing more to save Kat. Holly knew it was just her and Jackson Michie at this point and one would have to win Head of Household.
Christie Murphy knew she had to win Head of Household. She felt safe with a majority of the house but not Holly and Michie.
Cliff explained he made a deal with 5 other people (Tommy Bracco, Analyse Talavera, Nick Maccarone Christie, and Nicole). However, he said that his loyalty to that alliance of 6 would depend on who won Head of Household. He was going to do what he needed to in order to survive.
Jessica Milagros felt she needed to win this Head of Household Competition. She explained that she had stirred up some drama before the live eviction after being left out of yet another alliance. We then saw a flashback to what Jessica was talking about.
Jessica was seen having a conversation with Analyse. Jessica told Analyse she knew there was a new 6 that Cliff was part of and she wasn’t but Analyse denied it. Jessica then informed Analyse that Holly had said she was flirting with Michie. This enraged Analyse.
Analyse then had a conversation with Christie about Jessica’s information. Unbeknownst to Christie and Analyse, Holly overheard their conversation and entered room. The two then got into an argument over what happened, which several people overheard.
Jessica, Christie, and Analyse then had a conversation. Christie swore on her sister’s life that there was no new 6 formed to Jessica. However, Michie overheard this conversation and knew he and Holly were targets. Michie then relayed what he heard to Holly.
Holly then entered the room with Christie and Analyse and Jessica left. Holly told them she thought the information came from Jessica because Jessica told her about the new six earlier. Christie once again swore on her sister’s life there was no new six.
After the recent drama, Michie felt he had to win Head of Household. He knew if he or Holly didn’t win, he would more than likely be evicted that week.
Michie won the Head of Household Competition after coming from behind to pass Nick. All of this came despite the fact he had to take off his pants from the costume because they were uncomfortable.
Michie and Holly were excited about Michie’s win. Michie stated his goal was to take out Christie who was his biggest target.
Cliff knew he could be in some trouble seeing as how he made a deal as part of the group that didn’t include Michie.
Last-minute scrambling
Holly knew Michie was young and felt he had a giant heart. She wanted to make sure he thought with his head instead of his heart as a result of this. Michie wanted to nominate Analyse against Christie to make sure he had votes to get rid of Christie.
Christie and Analyse worried about their safety in the game with Michie as Head of Household. Tommy knew Michie was likely going after Chrisite, his real-life friend. However, he said in private he was going to sit this one out to avoid becoming a target himself.
Cliff went and talked to Michie to try and do damage control with Michie. Cliff explained why he made the deal he made to Michie. Michie revealed in private that he felt Christie and her allies having Cliff do their dirty work was cowardly at best. Michie told Cliff that he would not be a target of his but might have to be nominated as a front. Michie then relayed what Cliff said to Holly.
Holly went to talk to Michie in the Head of Household room. Michie wanted to nominate Christie and Analyse for eviction. He figured nominating Analyse would be the best way to ensure Christie was evicted. However, Michie and Holly wanted to stay in Tommy’s good graces and work with him moving forward.
Christie tried to talk to Michie to keep herself safe. Christie claimed someone else brought it to her and there was no official alliance. However, Michie remained unmoved.
Later, Analyse went up to talk to Michie in an attempt to keep herself safe. Analyse revealed to Michie that Nick was the one behind the deal. This made Nick a target in Michie’s eyes. Michie told Analyse she was not his target. However, Analyse took this to mean she was not going to be nominated for eviction. Michie said in private that while she wouldn’t be the target, it did not mean she would not be nominated.
Then, it was Nick’s turn to talk to Michie. However, Nick didn’t really do any talking. He instead just listened and nodded his head as if pretending to care about what Michie was saying. In the process, Nick confirmed to Michie confirmed Michie was a target this week had he not won. This only put Nick further up on Michie’s list of targets.
Michie then told Holly of his love for cold watermelon before talking about what he had learned. He told Holly he felt Nick was the one who created the deal for the new six and not Cliff. However, he still needed Christie gone. He also knew he would need Nick gone because of his social skills and possible status as a comp threat.
Time killing segments
In between the scrambling segments, they had to fill in time. We first saw a segment about these analogies that Michie makes. We found out Michie’s favorite sayings in the house are “we’re playing chess, not checkers” and “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”
Then, we saw a segment where Christie and Holly talked about days getting shorter now that we have passed the Summer Solstice. Analyse had no idea what any of that meant. She seemed to think it meant there would be less than 24 hours in a day now instead of the sun setting sooner.
Later, Christie almost inadvertently revealed that she knew Tommy. Christie talked about how close she lives to Tommy. However, nobody seemed to be picking up on the fact that they knew each other.
Analyse also entered the next phase of her chicken costume punishment. She now had to act like a chicken in addition to wearing her costume. She would have to “lay eggs” in a chicken coup, speak chicken, and make whatever kind of eggs Big Brother wanted her to make after she laid them.
She would deliver these eggs to the houseguests. Once she delivered the eggs, she could go back to being normal until it was time to do this routine again. Analyse was soon released from her chicken costume punishment.
Nomination ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 24 concluded with the nomination ceremony. At the nomination ceremony, Michie nominated Christie and Analyse for eviction.
Analyse felt blindsided and upset to be nominated for eviction. She thought Michie had told her that she would not be nominated (he didn’t).
Christie felt Michie didn’t really want to make a game move. She thought Michie wanted to get Christie out just to get her out. Christie was certain she wasn’t going home this week and looked forward to beating Michie in the Power of Veto Competition.
Tommy wasn’t happy about his 2 closest allies being nominated next to each other. However, he knew he might have to give up on Christie. He realized if he fought too hard for her after having used the Power of Veto on her last week, it would show his cards.
Tune in Wednesday night at 8 pm eastern to see who gets evicted.