Big Brother 21 Episode 25 recap

Christie Murphy and Analyse Talvera on Big Brother. Big Brother airs Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Robert Voets/ CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Christie Murphy and Analyse Talvera on Big Brother. Big Brother airs Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Robert Voets/ CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 25. In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, pre-Power of Veto planning as well as the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw the usual last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 25 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 25 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, Jackson Michie won a crucial Head of Household Competition. Nick Maccarone became a target for making a deal that led to Michie and Holly Allen becoming outsiders. At the nomination ceremony, Michie nominated Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera for eviction.

Last night, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, pre-Power of Veto Competition planning, and the Power of Veto ceremony. After the Power of Veto ceremony, we saw last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 25 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 25 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 25 began like most episodes do, with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. After the recap, the main title sequence was shown. After the main title sequence, Big Brother 21 Episode 25 picked up where Episode 24 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

Nomination ceremony fallout and pre-Power of Veto scrambling

Michie continued to view Christie as his biggest threat and Analyse as a backup plan. Analyse was enraged about being nominated. Analyse she was put up as a pawn because Michie wanted to target Christie, who she viewed as her best friend in the house. Christie wasn’t surprised she was nominated for eviction and knew she was the target.

Christie and Analyse talked about how they hated being nominated together and Analyse encouraged Christie to fight for the Power of Veto. Tommy Bracco and then entered the room and and then an awkward conversation ensued. After Holly left, Christie and Analyse talked about the best case scenario for them this week. Analyse felt it was best if Christie or Tommy won the Power of Veto because of what she perceived to be a great social game.

Michie and Tommy then had a conversation in the Head of Household room. They talked about how Christie and Analyse were handling the nomination. Michie then said he wanted to go against the best competitors but wanted to stay loyal to those who had been loyal to him.

Tommy pitched his loyalty to Michie and Holly. He also told Michie he was in a weird position with Christie and Analyse being nominated. He said he was going to fight hard for the Power of Veto and if he won, wanted to discuss it with Michie and take it from there. Michie revealed in private that he wanted to work with Tommy in the future and didn’t want to him nominated. However, he felt the only way to ensure that Christie would leave if Analyse was removed from the chopping block was to nominate Tommy.

Michie then relayed his conversation with Tommy to Holly. Holly did try to make sure Michie knew that Tommy didn’t want to be the replacement nominee.

Jessica Milagros then talked with Christie and Analyse. Jessica said she wanted Christie to win the Power of Veto and find votes for Analyse to stay. Jessica felt that Christie staying would mean she had a really strong ally staying in the game.

Christie told Jessica she had thought Nick was going to be nominated. Jessica said she thought Nick had a finals deal of some sort with Michie. Christie then told Jessica that Kathryn “Kat” Dunn had previously told her Michie and Holly were working with Nick. This led to the revelation that Nick was playing all sides of the house.

Analyse then went to work trying rally support for Christie. Nick promised to use the Power of Veto on Analyse but wouldn’t commit to throwing it to Christie. Nick felt Analyse wouldn’t stay if he did. Analyse then questioned Nick as to how he knew Analyse wouldn’t stay if Christie came down. Nick’s response led Analyse to accuse Nick of working with Michie, which angered Nick.

Analyse then was talking with Tommy and Christie about what she thought of Nick when Nick walked into the room. Nick promised to Christie he was going to fight for the Power of Veto and use it if he got picked to play but said he would use it on Analyse. This led Christie to not trust Nick anymore.

Christie told Tommy that Nick was working with Michie and playing all sides of the house. Christie wasn’t happy about this realization especially since she had to compete against Nick for the Power of Veto. As a result, Tommy tried to squash this with Nick as this kind of paranoia was what got Christie and Analyse in trouble to begin with.

Tommy then asked Nick if he had made a deal with Michie and Holly. This accusation enraged Nick as he was tired of not being trusted by his allies. Nick then confronted Christie and Analyse about their accusations against him.

Christie then had another meltdown when she was in the shower talking to Tommy. Christie said she couldn’t wait to get out of the house because nothing was real in the house. Tommy tried to comfort Christie.

Power of Veto Competition

At the draw for Power of Veto players, Michie drew Cliff’s name, Christie drew Nick’s name, and Analyse drew Holly’s name. Analyse was upset about picking Holly’s name because that was the last person she wanted picked.

For this week’s Power of Veto Competition, players had to take 10 stuffed ocean creatures to their structure one at a time. Their goal was to place one creature on each tip of the structure so that all 10 are balanced and not touching the ground. The first player to hang all 10 creatures without having one of them hit the ground and then hit their buzzer won the Power of Veto.

Everyone struggled at the Power of Veto Competition. The competition came down to Michie in Christie, In the end, Michie defeated Christie to win the Power of Veto.

Michie was happy about his Power of Veto win because it meant he could follow through on his plan to evict Christie. Analyse wasn’t happy about Michie winning the Power of Veto because she felt he would keep nominations the same and one of them would be evicted. Christie was upset about losing because it meant she was more than likely being evicted this week.

Last-minute scrambling

We saw a brief segment where Tommy and Holly talked about their matching outfits and Jessica told them they looked like lifeguards. This led Tommy and Holly to play Baywatch.

Tommy and Holly playing Baywatch together upset Christie. Tommy apologized to Analyse for doing so while Christie left the room. Tommy was hurt by Christie getting upset with him over him and Holly playing Baywatch.

Christie knew she had to come up with a plan to save herself. She then went to Michie and Holly to talk. Christie promised to work with Michie and Holly moving forward if they saved her this week. Michie felt in private that it was poetic justice that she was now coming to him campaigning for her safety after being on cloud 9 the past couple weeks. However, Michie squashed any potential of a reunion by telling Christie she was his biggest threat left.

Power of Veto ceremony

Big Brother 21 Episode 25 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Michie elected not to use the Power of Veto. This left Christie and Analyse as the final nominees for the week.

Tommy wasn’t happy about the Power of Veto not being used. He had wanted Christie to be in the final two with him. However, he realized he might have to let go of that dream. Tommy hoped it wouldn’t hurt their friendship outside of the game.

Christie didn’t want to go home. She especially didn’t want Michie to get the satisfaction of evicting her. She wanted to stay so she could build her army and take down the strong guys in the house.

Michie said Christie and Analyse were going to stay on the block once he won the Power of Veto. However, he knew it was out of his control now as to who got evicted. However, he was going to try and rally votes to evict Christie.

Next. Big Brother 21 Episode 25 Preview. dark

Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see who gets evicted between Christie and Analyse!