A new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 27. In this episode, we saw fallout from Holly Allen’s win as Head of Household and the punishment Cliff Hogg III, Nicole Anthony, and Jessica Milagros suffered. We also saw some last-minute scrambling to avoid eviction, and a very unnecessary segment about obnoxious of a chewer Christie Murphy is. America’s Prankster was also revealed. Big Brother 21 Episode 27 concluded with the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 27 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, host Julie Chen-Moonves announced that Prank Week was upon us in the Big Brother house beginning after the live eviction. Analyse Talavera and Christie Murphy had been nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. Nick Maccarone and Christie got in a fight that shifted the votes on eviction night.
As a result of the fight, Analyse became collateral damage and was evicted in a 5-1 vote. Holly Allen then won Head of Household, keeping power in her and Michie’s hands. Then, Julie announced the America’s Prankster twist to the viewers.
Tonight, we saw fallout from Holly Allen’s win as HOH and the punishment Cliff Hogg III, Nicole Anthony, and Jessica Milagros suffered. We also saw some last-minute scrambling to avoid eviction, and a very unnecessary segment about obnoxious of a chewer Christie Murphy is. America’s Prankster was also revealed. Then, we saw the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 27 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 27 began like most episodes do, with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 27 picked up where Episode 26 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.
Fallout from the Head of Household Competition + flashbacks
Michie explained that Christie stayed because he felt it would help his game out more than if he got Christie evicted. Holly felt great about her second Head of Household win of the season. However, she was nervous about the Prank Week twist. Nick Maccarone realized he was probably going to get nominated as a result of Holly winning HOH. So, he hoped that Prank Week would be good for him.
Christie was thankful to still be in the house, but hated that she had a hand in sending Analyse home. Christie then revealed she cut a few deals to keep herself safe this week. Christie first tried to talk to Cliff about keeping her safe for the week. Cliff told her that any deal for safety would have to go through Michie and Holly first. Cliff told him that she wanted to take a shot at Nick and asked Cliff if he would vote to keep her should Michie and Holly do so. He agreed he would.
Christie then went to Michie and Holly to make a deal with them. Christie offered to be a pawn and claimed she would honorably take 4th or 5th (that second part is a lie. Nobody would honorably take 4th or 5th). Christie swore on her sister’s life that she would honor the deal and said she was going after Nick. Michie wanted to keep Christie after the deal because he felt she had a lot more to offer him as an asset than Analyse.
Christie and Cliff then had a conversation in the storage room. Christie promised to Cliff that she would not nominate Cliff or Nicole Anthony for eviction if they both voted to keep her.
Michie, Holly, Cliff, and Nicole then made a deal in the HOH room to go to the final four together. They agreed to the final four deal and to keep Christie that week. Nicole was happy with the deal because she knew she needed more than just Cliff to advance moving forward.
Christie was hoping the deal she made with Michie and Holly would work in her favor. Cliff felt Holly being HOH should work to their advantage. Michie and Holly celebrated Holly’s HOH together. Holly was nervous about Prank Week and it affecting her nominations. Holly wanted Nick evicted and planned to nominate Christie next to him.
Nicole, Cliff, and Jessica’s punishment
For their punishment, anytime a voice recording played, they had to go make pies in the kitchen, and smash them in the face of whoever they were told to. The first pies they made were smashed into their own faces. The second pies they made were smashed into each other’s faces. The third pies they had to make were to be smashed into their own faces in slow motion. For the fourth pies, they were woken up in the middle of the night and told to smash these pies in someone else’s face.
Plotting and planning
Michie joked with Cliff, Nicole, and Holly about Michie and Cliff going up as pawns. Then, they talked about numbers and realized they controlled the votes this week. Michie and Holly seemed to be honoring the deal which encouraged Cliff.
Christie then had a chat with Michie and Holly in the HOH room. Holly told Christie she was planning on nominating her as a pawn against Nick. Christie was vehemently against the idea of being a pawn despite her deal. Holly tried to reassure Christie she would have the votes to stay. With Christie’s reaction to being a pawn, Holly and Michie began to question the deal they made. Holly also considered nominating Jessica and Christie with the intention of backdooring Nick.
Time killing segments
With not a whole lot of action going on, we saw some segments that were there just to kill time. The first one was about Michie’s love for watermelons. Michie eats watermelons all the time. We also learned that you can in fact cuddle a watermelon. Who knew?!
In another time killing segment towards the end of the episode, we found out Christie is a really obnoxious chewer. I will spare you the details because nobody needs to re-live that segment again.
America’s Prankster
Houseguests were woken up by a voice recording and told to go to the bathroom. Then, they found out they’d been pranked and actually needed to go to the living room. In the living room, they were told America had been voting to name one of them America’s Prankster. America’s Prankster would get to make one of the two nominations this week. If the Prankster’s nominee got vetoed off the chopping block, the Prankster would get to name the replacement nominee.
Nick won America’s Prankster. Nick wanted to nominate Christie as payback for her blowing up his game. He inadvertently revealed to Nicole he was America’s Prankster when he was so certain that Christie was being nominated next to him.
Last-minute scrambling
Christie then had a chat with Holly in the HOH room. Holly was trying to do damage control with Christie.
Nick tried to keep himself from being nominated by promising Holly to use the Power of Veto on whoever Holly wanted if he were in the Power of Veto Competition. However, Nick did make sure to tell Holly he could only do that if he was not nominated. Holly was uncertain of Nick’s promises and felt America’s Prankster would nominate Michie to mess with her Head of Household reign.
Holly thought America’s Prankster was either Nick or Christie. Michie correctly speculated that it was Nick. He told Holly that Nick needed to be nominated as a result. Holly said she wanted to get Christie out if she couldn’t get Nick out.
Nick did consider nominating Michie as his nominee in the event. If Nick was going to be nominated, he wanted to have a big target next to him so that he would have the best chance of staying. That came down to Michie and Christie.
Nomination ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 27 concluded with the nomination ceremony. At the nomination ceremony, Holly nominated Nick for eviction. Nick, as America’s Prankster, nominated Christie.
Holly nominated Nick because she felt he was one of the strongest competitors in the game and had no loyalty to her. She was happy that the Prankster nominated Christie because she was okay with Christie leaving should Nick win the PoV. Nick hated being nominated but liked that he was able to pick the other nominee. He felt being nominated next to Christie would give him the best chance of staying.
Michie was happy with the nominations. However, not knowing who the Prankster was scared him because he didn’t know who the Prankster’s replacement nominee would be. Due to this, he wanted nominations to remain the same.
Christie started to feel like the prank was on her and that America wanted her to go home. She said her biggest fear was not making her family and America proud. Christie then broke down in tears (again) and said she felt like she was being challenged.
Tune in Wednesday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto!