A new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS! In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony. Then, we got into some of the pre-Power of Veto planning. We also saw Zingbot roast the houseguests and the Power of Veto Competition. After that, we saw some last-minute scrambling and the Power of Veto ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 28 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, Holly Allen was Head of Household. Prank Week was upon us and Cliff Hogg III, Nicole Anthony, and Jessica Milagros had to pie people in the face as punishment for having the lowest score in the previous HOH Competition. Nick Maccarone was voted by America to be America’s Prankster and pranked the HOH by making one of the two nominations. Holly targeted Nick and nominated him for eviction. Wanting the best odds at surviving the week, Nick nominated Christie Murphy.
Tonight, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony and some of the pre-Power of Veto planning. Then, Zingbot came in and roasted the houseguests before we saw the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw some last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 28 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 28 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 28 began like most episodes do, with a recap of events leading up to where we are now. They did prank us by showing Big Brother 20 houseguests at the end of the recap. The main title sequence was shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 28 began where Episode 27 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.
Nomination ceremony fallout and pre-Power of Veto planning
Holly nominated Nick because he is a big threat in the game. Holly felt that if she didn’t win the Power of Veto, one of her closest allies needed to win it because if Christie was removed from the chopping block, she had no control over the replacement nominee.
Nick wasn’t surprised to be nominated this week. He nominated Christie because he felt her nomination would be his best chance at staying this week. Christie suspected that Nick was America’s Prankster because he had a lot of reasons to nominate her and vowed to fight for the Power of Veto.
Holly felt that Nick and Christie being nominated was the best-case scenario. Especially since she didn’t have to nominate Christie herself. Holly confirmed to Jackson Michie she would pick him to play in the Power of Veto Competition if she got the houseguest choice chip. Michie, in turn, confirmed he would not use the Power of Veto if he won it. Michie was worried about America’s Prankster because he didn’t know who it was.
Tommy Bracco then entered the HOH room to talk to Michie and Holly. Holly asked him who he thought America’s Prankster was. Tommy responded by saying he thought it was Christie until she got nominated and denied being the Prankster. Holly apologized to Tommy for nominating Nick. Then, they discussed the dangers of Christie being removed from the chopping block.
Nicole Anthony, Nick, and Christie talked in one of the bedrooms. Nick continued to bluff that he wasn’t America’s Prankster. He also noted that he held no ill will towards Holly for his nomination. Nick encouraged Christie to her face but actually wanted her evicted. Christie felt that Nick thought she was stupid by denying being the Prankster and encouraging her
Jessica, Cliff, and Nicole’s punishment
The first time killing segment occurred early on the episode. Jessica, Cliff, and Nicole’s punishment continued. They had to make enough pies to smash them in everyone’s face. Nick tried to escape the pie to the face by hiding in the diary room, which didn’t work.
Power of Veto player draw and subsequent talk
After the segment with the pies, it was time to pick players for the Power of Veto Competition. At the draw for players, players were pranked when they had to stick their hands in goop. The player chips were in the goop.
Holly drew the Houseguest Choice chip and selected Michie. Nick drew Cliff’s name. Christie drew Jessica’s name. Tommy and Nicole were the only two not participating in the Power of Veto Competition.
Holly, Christie, and Michie talked in the Head of Household room about how they were all gunning for the Power of Veto. Christie wanted to be off the chopping block, Michie didn’t want to be nominated as the replacement, and Holly just wanted to make sure Nick didn’t win. After Holly’s comment about not wanting Nick to win, all three agreed that would be the worst-case scenario.
Christie got Michie and Holly’s attention during their conversation (not in a good way). Holly wasn’t happy that Christie tried to spin that her being nominated by the Prankster was her cashing in on the deal she made with Michie and Holly. As a result, Holly began to consider getting Christie evicted.
Power of Veto Competition
Zingbot then entered the house and roasted the houseguests. After Zingbot roasted the houseguests, an “agent” then came in to “arrest” Zingbot. Then, the six players selected competed in the Power of Veto Competition.
For this week’s Power of Veto Competition, players had to maneuver a ball through the zing-atentiary and knock out 27 cameras to give Zingbot a chance to escape the zing-atentiary undectected. There were several pools of zing-troleum along the way that they had to avoid. Any ball that fell through there could cost them a lot of time. The first player to knock out all 27 cameras and hit their button won the Power of Veto.
Michie won the Power of Veto, defeating Nick. Everyone else struggled mightily.
Michie was happy to have won the Power of Veto Competition because it meant he and Holly now had full control over what happened. Christie was pretty certain Michie would keep nominations the same. However, she felt it wasn’t the worst-case scenario as Nick would still be nominated next to her. Nick wasn’t happy about losing the Power of Veto but felt there was a good chance that he would stay this week.
Last-minute scrambling
Michie apologized to Nick for winning the Power of Veto. Nick assured Michie it wouldn’t have been him that got nominated as the replacement. This let Michie know that Nick is America’s Prankster. Nick told Michie that he would’ve nominated the person he thought he could beat to stay in the house. Nick tried to use his status as America’s Prankster to make Michie think he was loyal.
Michie and Holly celebrated Michie’s win in Holly’s HOH room. Michie then told Holly about the information Nick gave him. However, he didn’t want to make any deals with Nick unless Holly approved it.
Christie then came into the Head of Household room to talk to Christie. Michie informed Christie he would not be using the Power of Veto. They also reassured Christie she was not going to be evicted this week.
Nick lamented his loss in the Power of Veto Competition to Tommy. He also told Tommy that he was America’s Prankster. Nick told Tommy he felt that he needed Tommy, Cliff, and Nicole’s votes to stay this week.
Power of Veto ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 28 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. Before the Power of Veto ceremony Cliff, Nicole, and Jessica had to each make a pie and smash it in Michie’s face to congratulate him for winning the Power of Veto. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Michie didn’t use the Power of Veto as expected. This leaves Nick and Christie as this week’s final nominees.
Nick hated still being on the block but felt being America’s Prankster would help him. He also felt the houseguests would be stupid to keep Christie over him. Holly felt good that she would be able to get her target (Nick) out of the house this week since Michie didn’t use the Power of Veto. Tommy hated that Nick or Christie is leaving this week because he was close to both of them.
Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see who becomes the 4th member of the jury!