The 9th live eviction show of the summer aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 29. Nick Maccarone had been nominated for eviction by Head of Household Holly Allen. Christie Murphy had been nominated for eviction by America’s Prankster, Nick. One of them became the 4th member of the jury of 9.
Big Brother 21 Episode 29 aired last night. In the last episode, Nick had been nominated for eviction by Head of Household Holly. Christie was nominated for eviction by America’s Prankster, Nick. Zingbot came in to roast the houseguests before the Power of Veto Competition. Jackson Michie won the Power of Veto and chose not to use it.
Tonight, we saw fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony and the last-minute scrambling to avoid being the one evicted. Before the live eviction, we got to check in with the members of the jury. Then, one person was evicted became the 4th member of the jury. After the live eviction, we saw the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.
Big Brother 21 Episode 29 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 29 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences and giving them an idea of what to expect tonight. Then, they show launched into a recap of events leading us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown as is typical on eviction night. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 29 picked up where Episode 28 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto Ceremony.
Power of Veto ceremony fallout + last minute scrambling
Holly was happy Michie didn’t use the Power of Veto because Nick is her target and didn’t want to miss her shot at him again. Christie felt confident sitting on the block next to Nick going into eviction night because he was a huge threat. Nick felt confident that he was going to stay being on the block next to Christie. Nicole Anthony wanted Nick to stay because she felt Nick was loyal to her but knew she had to be careful in sticking out her neck for him.
Tommy Bracco and Christie were talking in the archery room. They reconfirmed their intentions to go to the final two together.
Christie then began campaigning. She first campaigned to Jessica Milagros pointing out she wasn’t as big of a threat as Nick. Jessica wanted Christie to stay because she has never seen eye to eye with Nick. Once Nick was out of the way, Jessica saw herself being able to latch on as a number 3 to one of the couples which would take her far. Christie wanted Jessica as a third to go along with her and Tommy.
Jessica, Cliff, and Nicole’s punishment
Next, we saw more of Jessica, Cliff, and Nicole’s punishment. They had to make a pie each and surprise someone by smashing it in their face. Michie avoided Nicole’s attempted pie in the face by knocking the pie in Nicole’s face instead. This began a pie war between Nicole and Michie. Nicole eventually got revenge on Michie with a pie to the face.
Nick begins his campaign and more pranks
Nick campaigned to Tommy, not realizing Tommy and Christie already knew each other. Tommy told Nick if anyone was on the block besides Christie then Nick would have his vote to stay. Tommy told Nick he made a promise to Christie that he wouldn’t vote her out and he couldn’t break a promise. Nick was hurt by Tommy not repaying the loyalty Nick felt he had showed.
Nick then went and told Nicole about the information Tommy gave him. Nicole suspected there was more to it then just Tommy not wanting to break a promise. Nick was upset with Tommy because he was realizing Tommy just did what he needed to appease people.
Nicole went up to the HOH room to talk to Holly and Michie. Nicole wanted to convince Michie and Holly to keep Nick. Nicole tried to plant a seed with Holly about Tommy and Christie’s tight relationship and why Tommy wanted to keep Christie so bad.
Big Brother pranked the houseguests by putting clowns in the house whether it was projecting them in a mirror or elsewhere in the house. This frightened several of the houseguests. Knowing how scared of things Nicole got, houseguests pranked her by hiding in the HOH room. Later, Big Brother turned the lights off downstairs, frightening Nicole further.
Nick campaigned to Holly in the HOH room. Nick promised to Michie and Holly he wouldn’t nominate them if he won HOH and pointed out he would be a shield for them. He also threw Christie under the bus. Nick also promised to use the Power of Veto on Michie should Michie and Tommy be nominated together and he win. Michie felt they were getting a bigger promise from Nick and considered keeping him.
Checking in with the jury
Then we got our first check in with the jury. Jack Matthews filmed a segment two weeks ago after his eviction. Jack felt that being evicted was bittersweet because he did everything he could to try and save himself. However, he realized he didn’t play that great of a game because he ran his mouth too much. Jack would’ve liked to see Analyse Talavera walk in the jury house next, but also wanted her to win.
Kathryn “Kat” Dunn then arrived in the jury house. Kat was surprised she didn’t win but claimed to not be bitter and was excited to see what happened. Kat then walked Jack through the events that led to her eviction the previous week. Kat thought that Michie, Holly, or Jessica would be walking into the jury house next.
However, Kat’s prediction was wrong and it was Analyse who walked into the jury house next. Analyse and Jack were very happy to see each other. Analyse felt betrayed by Michie nominating her. Analyse then walked Kat and Jack through the events that led to her eviction.
Analyse applauded the move Christie made that allowed her to stay and didn’t feel betrayed by it. Analyse predicted that Nick would be the next one sent to the jury house. Kat was surprised that Nick was still and the house and revealed she had no respect for his game.
Live eviction
After the check in at the jury, it was time for the live eviction. At the live eviction, Analyse’s prediction proved to be correct and Nick was evicted in a unanimous 5-0 vote. Nick then had his exit interview with Julie.
Head of Household Competition
Big Brother 21 Episode 29 concluded with the Head of Household Competition. The Head of Household Competition did not play out in its entirety on television.
For this week’s Head of Household Competition, hold on to a wall for as long as they could. If they fell off, they would be eliminated. The last person standing on the wall would be the new Head of Household. As the outgoing Head of Household, Holly was not eligible to compete. By the end of the live broadcast, all 6 houseguests playing still remained on the wall. At the end of the broadcast, Julie announced that next week will be the double eviction.
Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who becomes the new Head of Household and who they nominate for eviction!