Big Brother 21 Episode 30 recap: Michie and Holly’s domination continues

Houseguests line up to play the HOH Comp on the Live Eviction show #8 on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Houseguests line up to play the HOH Comp on the Live Eviction show #8 on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A brand-new episode of Big Brother aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 30. In this episode, we saw the conclusion of Thursday’s Head of Household Competition. After the Head of Household, we saw some of the planning for nominations. There was also a segment on how much Cliff Hogg III missed his wife. After the Cliff segment, we saw some last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 30 concluded with the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 30 aired last night on CBS! In the last episode, Nick Maccarone was nominated for eviction by Head of Household Holly Allen. Christie Murphy was nominated for eviction by America’s Prankster, Nick. Both nominees campaigned hard for their survival in the game. Nicole Anthony started to suspect there was something more to Tommy Bracco and Christie’s relationship. In the end, Nick was evicted in a 5-0 vote. Then, the Head of Household Competition began.

In this episode, we saw the conclusion of Thursday’s Head of Household Competition. After the Head of Household, we saw some of the planning for nominations. There was also a segment on how much Cliff Hogg III missed his wife. After the Cliff segment, we saw some last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 30 concluded with the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 30 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 30 began like most episodes do with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 30 picked up where Episode 29 left off, at the beginning of the Head of Household Competition.

Head of Household Competition

For this week’s Head of Household Competition, players had to hold on to a wall for as long as they could. Occasionally, objects would hit them to make it harder for them to stay on the wall. If they fell off, they would be eliminated. The last person standing on the wall would be the new Head of Household. As the outgoing Head of Household, Holly was not eligible to compete.

Nicole wanted to win Head of Household badly because she was tired of not winning competitions. Jackson Michie didn’t want to win this HOH Comp because he had been winning a lot recently. He preferred that Nicole or Cliff win instead.

Christie didn’t want to win this HOH comp because she felt like she was in a good spot. She hoped Tommy would win instead because Tommy winning was like her winning. Cliff wanted to win this HOH Competition but felt it probably wasn’t going to happen and wanted Nicole to win. Jessica Milagros wanted to win HOH because she wanted to make moves.

Jessica fell off the wall first after 24 minutes and 25 seconds, screaming all the way down. Big Brother showed multiple replays of her fall. Cliff was next to fall after 41 minutes and 56 seconds. Christie fell third at 42 minutes and 26 seconds after deciding she didn’t need to win. Nicole fell next at 49 minutes and 8 seconds. Tommy fell next and Michie became the new Head of Household.

Michie wasn’t too happy about winning HOH. He didn’t want to win it because he knew it would paint a bigger target on his back. Holly was happy for Michie but terrified at the same time because of the number of competitions they were winning. Christie was frustrated that Tommy didn’t win because her relationship with Michie was really weird.

Post-Head of Household Competition

Right away, Michie went to Nicole and Cliff. He told them he won that for her and Cliff because he knew that Tommy would nominate her and Cliff.  Nicole was fine with Michie winning HOH but Nicole knew she needed to start building her resume in the game.

Immediately, Michie knew he was nominating Jessica and Christie for eviction. He had a final four deal with Holly, Nicole, and Cliff. He had also promised Tommy safety. This left him no other options on who to nominate.

Michie told Cliff he had wanted to throw the competition to Nicole. Cliff understood and apologized for not being able to contribute more. Michie convinced Cliff it wasn’t good for their game to go after Tommy this week and told him he would be nominated Christie and Jessica.

Jessica was happy to have survived the wall competition. Jessica felt safe with Michie as HOH. Unbeknownst to her, Michie was planning on nominating her.

Michie then told Christie they needed to talk that night. Michie told Christie that he was going to have to use her as a pawn and that she would be nominated against Jessica. Christie was upset about being nominated as a pawn and was tired of being nominated. Michie explained his logic to Christie behind nominating her, but she still wasn’t happy. Eventually, Christie realized she had to trust Michie because she had no other option.

Meanwhile, Nicole was still upset about losing the HOH Competition. Christie comforted her. However, Christie was starting to feel homesick and started breaking down as well. Eventually, Big Brother sent a message saying “Big Brother loves you” to Christie and Nicole.

Michie and Holly then talked about their strategy for the week in the storage room. They wanted to get Jessica evicted this week. They also felt they needed to convince the other two pairs (Christie and Tommy, Cliff and Nicole) they were doing what was best for them and prevent the pairs from comparing notes.

Michie, Cliff, Holly, and Nicole talked in the HOH room. Cliff volunteered to be a replacement nominee if necessary to deflect any attention off of their final four deal.

Christie and Tommy then talked in the RV room. Christie was frustrated and Tommy tried to comfort her. Christie then informed him of Michie’s information that she would be nominated as a pawn. However, Christie was worried about what would happen if Jessica won the Power of Veto. Tommy then informed her that Michie had made a deal with him that he’d be safe if he dropped. Christie wasn’t happy with Tommy upon learning of his deal with Michie.

Christie was starting to suspect that Michie and Holly were working with Cliff and Nicole. Tommy thought this made enough sense and started getting suspicious as well. Due to her suspicions, Christie was really nervous and hated having to kiss up to Michie and Holly.

Cliff Notes

Cliff was missing his wife badly. He was seen talking to the cameras about how much he missed her and wanted to dance with her. Cliff likes to dance with his wife when he’s feeling down or lonely in the Big Brother house.

Last-minute scrambling

After the Cliff segment, Jessica went to the HOH room to talk to Michie. Michie told Jessica he feared her and Christie in the mental competitions down the line. Michie was trying to hint to Jessica that she was going to be nominated. However, Jessica didn’t grasp what Michie was saying before Michie flat out told her that she and Christie were probably being nominated. Jessica wasn’t happy with Michie and thought he was full of BS.

Christie then entered the room to talk with Michie. Christie wanted to know who would go up as a replacement nominee should Jessica win the Power of Veto. Michie told her Cliff would most likely be nominated. Christie then asked Michie who would be evicted in that scenario with Cliff being nominated against her. Michie told Christie they would have to play it by ear at that point. Christie wasn’t happy to learn this but knew she had to play nice.

Nomination ceremony

Big Brother 21 Episode 30 concluded with the nomination ceremony. At the nomination ceremony, Christie and Jessica were nominated for eviction as planned.

Michie claimed he nominated Jessica and Christie because they’re the two biggest mental threats. Jessica was Michie’s target because he has a deal with Christie. He felt that if something unexpected happened (Jessica being vetoed), that it wouldn’t be a big loss to see Christie leave.

Jessica hated being nominated. She knew Michie would nominate her but part of her didn’t want to believe it and she felt like an idiot. She also felt like she had been played and knew she had a Power of Veto to win.

Tommy hated that Christie had been nominated for the fourth time in a row. Part of him questioned if he should have given the HOH to Michie. If Christie was evicted this week, it would be a hard pill to swallow for him. He would feel very alone if she left and partially responsible for her leaving too.

Christie wasn’t happy to be nominated for the fourth time in a row. Christie felt her deal with Michie was null and void since Michie had now nominated her twice. She said she was not going to not work with Michie or Holly going forward and didn’t care what they thought. If she stayed and won the next HOH she vowed to nominate Michie and Holly.

Tune in Wednesday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto!