Big Brother 21 Episode 32 recap: double eviction night

Host Julie Chen Moonves on the Live Eviction show #8 on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Host Julie Chen Moonves on the Live Eviction show #8 on Big Brother. Big Brother airs on Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A brand-new double eviction episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 32. Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros were nominated by Head of Household Jackson Michie for the first eviction. In this episode, we saw a week’s worth of Big Brother game play in one night, which all culminated in a 2nd live eviction at the end of the night.

Big Brother 21 Episode 32 aired last night on CBS. In Wednesday’s episode, Jessica Milagros and Christie Murphy were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. Despite this, pretty much nobody was on the episode other than Michie and Holly Allen. The entire episode was basically about them fighting and later making up. In between, there was a Power of Veto competition, which Tommy Bracco won. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Tommy used the Power of Veto on Christie and Cliff Hogg III was named the replacement nominee.

Tonight was double eviction night in the Big Brother house. Jessica and Cliff faced the first live eviction. Then, houseguests played a week’s worth of the game in one night. Big Brother 21 Episode 32 concluded with a second live eviction.

Big Brother 21 Episode 32 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 32 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences by welcoming viewers to double eviction night. Then, the show launched into a recap of events leading us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown as is typical on eviction nights. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 32 picked up where Episode 31 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

Power of Veto ceremony fallout and last-minute scrambling

Michie and Holly had a pool-side conversation. They talked about how awesome it would be for the two of them to be sitting together on finale night. Michie wanted Jessica Milagros evicted so that the remaining two pairs would go after each other instead of himself and Holly.

Cliff and Christie then had a conversation by the hammock in the backyard. Christie told Cliff she felt that Michie was playing everyone, which Cliff agreed with. Christie told Cliff that Michie had made it clear that he was working with her and Tommy. Cliff felt that even if Christie were telling the truth he would have to stay loyal to Michie and Holly because he was nominated next to Christie.

Cliff then relayed what Christie just told him to Michie and Holly. He had wanted to talk to Michie and Holly before Christie could spin the conversation they had in a way that made him look bad. Holly and Michie weren’t very happy with Christie upon hearing this.

First live eviction

At the first eviction of the night, Julie confirmed there would be no jury battle back. She then announced to the houseguests that it was double eviction night. Jessica was soon evicted in a unanimous 4-0 vote. This made Jessica the 5th member of the jury. Jessica then had her exit interview with Julie.

Head of Household Competition and nomination ceremony

For this Head of Household Competition, players had to complete a puzzle designed like an ice rink. Then, players had to get a hockey stick and ball and use the hockey stick to shoot the ball across the rink into the goal. The first person to complete their puzzle correctly and score a goal would become the new Head of Household. As the outgoing Head of Household, Michie was not eligible to compete.

Nicole Anthony won Head of Household, defeating Tommy. This is Nicole’s first competition win all summer. Before the nomination ceremony, Nicole did warn Christie she would be nominated for eviction. At the nomination ceremony, Nicole nominated Tommy and Christie for eviction. This was the 5th consecutive time that Christie was nominated for eviction.

Power of Veto Competition and Power of Veto ceremony

This Power of Veto Competition was a Big Brother classic called “What the Bleep?” They would be shown videos containing statements made by their former housemates this summer on the show. Julie would give them options as to what the word or phrase might be after the video.  Houseguests had to correctly identify if what Julie told them was true or false. Houseguests would receive 1 point for each correct answer. The person with the most points after 7 videos would win the Power of Veto.

Since there were only 6 houseguests remaining, everyone competed. Cliff won the Power of Veto with 7 points over Christie. Christie initially had the correct answer. However, she changed it at the last minute and got it wrong.

Cliff told Nicole he would keep nominations the same and they would probably evict Christie, which Nicole was fine with. Tommy tried to talk Cliff into using the Power of Veto, but Cliff shut him down and told Tommy he would keep nominations the same. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Cliff chose not to use the Power of Veto.

Live eviction number 2

Big Brother 21 Episode 32 concluded with the second live eviction of the night. At the second live eviction of the night, Christie was evicted in a unanimous 3-0 vote. This made Christie the 6th member of the jury.

Only 5 houseguests remain. Tune in Sunday night at 8 pm eastern to see who wins Head of Household and who gets nominated for eviction!