A brand-new episode of Big Brother aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 34! Tonight, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony. Then, we saw pre-Power of Veto activities and then, the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 34 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 34 aired last night on CBS! In Sunday’s episode, we were shown flashbacks from the double eviction. Tommy Bracco lamented Christie Murphy’s eviction. Big Brother 20 alums Chris “Swaggy C” Williams and Bayleight Dayton returned to host the Head of Household Competition. Jackson Michie won his third Head of Household Competition in a row. Tommy tried to sway Michie to nominate Cliff and Nicole for eviction. However, his pleas fell on deaf ears as Tommy was nominated alongside Cliff.
In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony. Then, we saw pre-Power of Veto activities and then, the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto Competition, we saw last-minute scrambling. Big Brother 21 Episode 34 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 34 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 34 began like most episodes do, with a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. The main title sequence wasn’t shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 34 picked up where Episode 33 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.
Nomination ceremony fallout and pre-PoV
Michie stated that Cliff was his pawn and Tommy was his target because has a final four with Holly, Cliff, and Nicole. Cliff felt that he was the pawn this week. However, everyone knew that the Power of Veto was more important than ever.
Tommy then talked to the cameras about how lonely he felt. He lamented not being able to anything to stop the four.
After his talk with the cameras, Tommy went to talk with Holly. Holly apologized for Christie Murphy’s eviction but assured Tommy there was no way he had been going to be evicted before her. Michie then entered the HOH room and joined the conversation. Holly then trash talked Christie’s game but didn’t blame Tommy for sticking with her. Michie told Tommy that he hadn’t been wrong about Nick Maccarone but might’ve been wrong about Christie.
Tommy then revealed his secret about knowing Christie to Michie and Holly. He used this information to try and get Michie and Holly on his side. Michie gave props to Tommy in private for playing off his relationship with Christie well. Tommy’s revelation only convinced Michie further that Tommy needed to go as he would automatically have Christie’s vote at the final 2.
After a commercial break, we saw Cliff pumping himself up for the Power of Veto Competition. Then it was time for the Power of Veto Competition.
Power of Veto Competition
This week’s Power of Veto Competition was the Big Brother classic “BB Comics.” For this Power of Veto Competition, players had to hit the button to start their time. Then, they had to go down the zipline to get a look inside the BB Comics West Studio. They then had to grab the comics that matched those on the BB Comics West Studio wall and put them on the shelf.
When players thought they had the 16 correct comics placed in the correct order, they would have to hit the button. If they were correct time would stop but if not, they would have to keep going until they got it correct. The player who completed the competition in the shortest amount of time would win. The trick to this competition is that some comics they were given to put on the shelf were fakes.
With only 5 houseguests remaining, everyone played in this Power of Veto Competition. Nicole won the Power of Veto with a time of 10 minutes and 58 seconds. Tommy had the next closest time at 14 minutes and 21 seconds.
Cliff felt that everyone had underestimated Nicole including Nicole. Cliff also knew that Nicole’s win meant they were both safe. Michie was happy one of his four had won the Power of Veto. Tommy lamented his loss but vowed to not give up even though it wasn’t looking good for him.
Last-minute scrambling
Cliff and Nicole celebrated making the final four thanks to Nicole’s win. Nicole promised Cliff that she would use the Power of Veto to save him from eviction this week, which meant Holly would be nominated in his place.
Michie joined Cliff and Nicole and told Nicole how happy he was for her. However, Michie soon realized that if Nicole used the Power of Veto on Cliff, that Holly was the lone replacement nominee. Michie and Holly talked about the possibility of this scenario happening. They realized there wasn’t much they could do to combat this possibility.
Cliff brought up the possibility to Nicole that Michie would be ineligible to compete for HOH on Thursday. They saw a big chance to split up the power couple. Michie joined Cliff and Nicole and Nicole informed him she would be using the Power of Veto on Cliff. However, she did lie to Michie by saying no funny business would be happening. Michie trusted Cliff and Nicole to the point where he didn’t think they would vote to evict Holly. The same conversation happened when Holly joined the room.
Nicole then had a chat with Tommy in Michie’s HOH room to talk to him about the possibility of vetoing Cliff and evicting Holly. Tommy was happy to have a ray of hope and campaigned against Michie and Holly to Nicole. Michie then entered the room and interrupted their conversation but was oblivious to what they had been talking about.
Nicole then talked with Cliff to try and sway him to evict Holly. Cliff considered the move but wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to do it. Cliff’s biggest concern was competing against Tommy rather than Holly.
Power of Veto ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 34 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Nicole used the Power of Veto on Cliff as planned. This meant that Holly was the replacement nominee as she was the only option left.
Nicole was amazed that she made the move she just made. She was very proud to be in the final four. Tommy said that Nicole gave him the hope he needed when she told him that she wanted to keep him around. He vowed to do whatever it took to convince Cliff and Nicole to keep him. Holly knew her fate was in Cliff and Nicole’s hands and trusted them but knew it was a game and they could change their minds. Cliff still didn’t know what to do with his vote and knew it could be a $500,000 decision.
Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see whether Tommy or Holly is the one evicted this week!