The 11th live eviction show of the summer aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 35. Tommy Bracco and Holly Allen were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. In tonight’s episode, we saw fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony before we got into some major last-minute scrambling by Michie and Tommy. Next, we saw the live eviction and Head of Household Competition. Big Brother 21 Episode 35 concluded with of a house meeting and fight between Michie and Tommy.
Big Brother 21 Episode 35 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, Tommy Bracco and Cliff Hogg III were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. Cliff, Michie, Nicole Anthony, and Holly celebrated being in the final five, while Tommy lamented being by himself. At the Power of Veto Competition, Nicole pulled out the critical victory over Tommy. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Nicole chose to use the Power of Veto on Cliff. This forced Michie to nominate his showmance Holly in Cliff’s place.
Tonight, we saw fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony. Then, we got into some major last-minute scrambling by Michie and Tommy. Next, we saw the live eviction. After the live eviction, the Head of Household Competition began. Big Brother 21 Episode 35 concluded with of a house meeting and fight between Michie and Tommy.
Big Brother 21 Episode 35 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 35 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves giving the audience an idea of what to expect that night. Then, the show launched into a recap leading us to where we are now. The main title sequence was shown, which is unusual for eviction nights. Then, Big Brother 21 Episode 35 picked up where Episode 34 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.
Power of Veto ceremony fallout and last-minute scrambling
Holly was happy she was working with Cliff and Nicole and was now relying on their integrity to keep her in the game. Tommy had a glimmer of hope since he had been told by Nicole that she wanted to keep him. However, Tommy knew she wouldn’t do anything without Cliff so he knew he needed to convince Cliff to keep him. Nicole knew she and Cliff had a huge decision ahead of them. Nicole knew even in saying it, what the smarter option was to her.
Cliff and Nicole had a conversation in the backyard and debated who to evict. They weighed the pros and cons of keeping each person.
Tommy then went to make his pitch to Nicole and Cliff. He told Nicole and Cliff that they’d be on the same page as far as the target goes and he’d be willing to throw the Head of Household Competition to them. Tommy meant it when he said he would throw it. However, it was because he hoped if Michie saved himself that he would want revenge on Cliff and Nicole.
Michie and Cliff were playing chess upstairs. Cliff told Michie that Nicole was looking both ways and had talked to Tommy more than he had. He said Nicole felt she’d be the odd man out in any final four. Cliff said he had mixed feelings on the vote. He was worried about the showmance but felt tighter with Michie and Holly than with Tommy.
Michie then relayed Cliff’s information to Holly. Holly, in private, was upset about the possible betrayal from Cliff and Nicole. Michie told her she needed to have at least one of Cliff and Nicole’s votes. In private, Michie vowed to do whatever he needed to keep Holly safe.
Tommy then went to talk to Cliff and Nicole in the Head of Household room. He told them he wanted to be in the final three with them. He also told them that he knew Christie Murphy before going into the game. Then Michie came the Head of Household room to shower and the three continued their conversation elsewhere. Tommy had been worried that Michie and Holly would use the information against him since he had already told them. Nicole appreciated Tommy’s honesty but felt that he held in the secret for so long threw up a red flag.
Michie then came down stairs from the Head of Household room (carrying two watermelons of course) and asked Cliff and Nicole what happened. Cliff told Michie that Tommy told him about knowing Christie. Michie then pitched that Christie would be a lock to vote for Tommy if he made it to the final two and would campaign for him.
Michie then tried to guilt trip Cliff into keeping Holly. Michie said he felt it would be a big slap in the face to keep Tommy over Holly. Michie revealed in private he was now gunning for Cliff and Nicole regardless of if Holly stayed or not because he was tired of getting burned.
Tommy then went to talk to Cliff and Nicole in the have not room. Seeing them heading toward have room on the Head of Household room spy screen, Michie went to the door to listen in. Cliff and Nicole were worried that if they took Tommy’s deal that he would just go off into the sunset with Michie instead. Tommy said he’d never do that. Tommy claimed he viewed Michie as a threat for so long and said he could help take him down. After overhearing this, Michie went back to the Head of Household room and came up with a plan to save Holly.
Michie then talked with Cliff and Nicole in the RV room. Michie claimed to Cliff and Nicole that Tommy wanted him and Michie to not work against each other again. He felt that Cliff would win the game and felt Nicole would be better to take to the final three. Michie also told them Tommy told him his pitch to Cliff and Nicole in advance. Nicole was not a fan of what Tommy supposedly said about her and wanted to have a house meeting.
The house meeting occurred on Thursday. Julie promised we would see some of it at the end of the show last night.
Live eviction
At the live eviction, Tommy was evicted in a 2-0 vote. He became the 7th member of the jury. He then had his exit interview and gave some details of the house meeting.
Head of Household Competition
For this week’s Head of Household Competition, players had to stand on a disc. Houseguests would be spun around a set up in the backyard and would have to navigate obstacles along the way. The last player left standing on their disc would win Head of Household.
Michie was ineligible to compete as he was the previous HOH. Since this competition was endurance, it did not play out live on tv. Big Brother 21 Episode 35 concluded with a snippet of the house meeting and a heated fight between Michie and Tommy.
Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins Head of Household and who they nominate for eviction!