A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 36.
Big Brother 21 Episode 36 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, Tommy Bracco and Holly Allen were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. Tommy made his plea to stay alive and it looked like it was going to work. However, Michie came up with a lie that he sold to Nicole Anthony and Cliff Hogg III. This led to Nicole calling a house meeting. Things were very uncertain until the last minute and ultimately Tommy was evicted in a 2-0 vote. Then the final four Head of Household Competition began.
Tonight, we saw that crazy house meeting and its aftermath leading up to the live eviction. Then, we saw the Head of Household Competition. After the Head of Household Competition, we saw the last-minute scrambling before the nomination ceremony. Big Brother 21 Episode 36 concluded with the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 36 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 36 began like most episodes do, with a recap of events leading up to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 36 began where Episode 35 left off, at the end of the live eviction show.
Head of Household Competition begins and flashbacks
Holly was grateful to have survived and didn’t know how she was still there. Michie commented on how everything had been smooth sailing for awhile this week. Then, he had to do things he didn’t want to do to keep Holly safe and hoped his mom wasn’t disappointed in him. Nicole stated she started off the day thinking she was going to evict Holly. However, Michie told her Tommy hadn’t been truthful with her and Cliff and things spiraled out of control from there.
Our first flashback took us to a conversation between Tommy, Nicole and Cliff 7 hours and 40 minutes before the live eviction show. Nicole informed Tommy of the things Michie had said to her about Tommy. Tommy denied Michie’s accusations but realized he had no way of proving this since he was a lone wolf. Nicole then called a house meeting in an attempt to sort out the truth.
Nicole tried to get to the bottom of who was telling the truth at the house meeting and told Michie and Tommy to spill the beans. Michie then went on the attack against Tommy by exposing everything Tommy had supposedly told him over the past week. Tommy was convinced Michie was making everything up. Things escalated into a heated verbal argument between Tommy and Michie. Holly revealed in private that she hated how Michie was grasping at straws to save her that week. The house meeting after Tommy said he felt Michie didn’t deserve the money but everyone else did.
Then, 6 hours and 50 minutes before the eviction, Nicole had a chat with Cliff to try and figure things out. Nicole told Cliff she saw right through Michie. She felt Michie was smart and had put pieces together, using them to go after Tommy. Cliff wanted to believe Michie because they had an agreement with him. Nicole wanted to keep Tommy. However, Cliff wanted to keep Holly because he felt Tommy would take Nicole to the final 2 before Cliff.
4 hours before the live eviction, Michie talked to Cliff. Michie told him to do what is best for his game. Cliff said he was trying to do that and it was what was tearing him up. Michie felt the situation Holly was in should’ve never happened because Cliff and Nicole should’ve kept their word. Michie reassured Cliff that Nicole would not be getting left behind. Michie told Cliff he wanted Cliff and Nicole in the final three with him (a lie).
1 hour and 20 minutes before the live eviction, Cliff, Holly, and Nicole were getting ready for the live eviction show. Cliff told Holly she was going to be evicted that night. Holly told them she would do anything to stay another day. Michie then came into the room and Cliff told him the news as well. Michie then went on the offensive and tried to guilt trip Cliff and Nicole to save Holly. Then, Tommy came into the room and engaged in another argument with Michie.
38 minutes before the live eviction, Cliff and Nicole were still undecided on what to do. Nicole was conflicted because she knew that if Holly or Michie won the Power of Veto next week, they were screwed. Holly then entered the room to plead her case. Holly promised to throw the HOH Competition. Then, Michie entered the room and Michie claimed he would go with Nicole and Cliff should he win the Power of Veto even if Holly were still there. Cliff tried to convince Nicole to keep Holly.
Then, Cliff and Nicole had one last conversation with Holly. They made Holly promise to throw the HOH and POV Competitions to stay safe, which she readily agreed to. Then, 12 minutes before the live eviction, Nicole was upset and Michie went to comfort her.
Nicole found the decision to evict Tommy difficult but hoped it would work out for the best.
Head of Household Competition
For this week’s Head of Household Competition, players had to stand on a disc. Houseguests would be spun around a set up in the backyard and would have to navigate obstacles along the way. The last player left standing on their disc would win Head of Household. Michie was ineligible to compete as he was the previous HOH.
Cliff was the first one to fall, leaving him nervous about the possibility of Holly winning even though she was supposed to throw the competition. Holly then fell to honor her agreement with Cliff and Nicole. This meant Nicole was the new HOH Competition. This so-called endurance competition didn’t even last all of 10 minutes.
Nicole was happy about being guaranteed a spot in the final three. Holly wasn’t happy with the fact that she threw the competition to Nicole. Cliff was still worried for his own safety, however, since he was not the Head of Household.
Post HOH Competition
Cliff and Michie then had a conversation in the bathroom. Michie wanted reassurance that everything was fine between himself and Cliff, which he got. Cliff told Michie that if he won the Power of Veto, he would keep Michie. Cliff then proposed a final 2 deal with Michie, which Michie accepted.
Michie and Holly then had a conversation of their own. Michie was upset about what he had to do to Tommy in order to keep Holly in the game.
Cliff was excited for Nicole having made the final 3. Cliff told Nicole of the final 3 deal he made with Michie. Nicole wasn’t happy that Cliff made this deal because Michie is the biggest threat the in the game. This led Nicole to correctly suspect Cliff had made a final two deal with Michie.
Nomination ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 36 concluded with the nomination ceremony. At the nomination ceremony, Nicole nominated Michie and Holly for eviction.
Nicole knew that even though she nominated Michie and Holly, she knew it wouldn’t matter. The Power of Veto was the most important thing this week. Whoever wins it, casts the sole vote to evict.
Cliff knew he had to win the Power of Veto in order to secure himself a spot in the final three. Holly found it frustrating being nominated since she had handed Nicole the HOH. She vowed that it would be the last time she handed them anything.
Michie says his handshakes with Cliff and Nicole had been unbreakable until they started to flip against them. From that point forward, Michie knew the only person he wanted to sit next to on finale night was Holly.
Tune in Wednesday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto!