A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 37.
Big Brother 21 Episode 37 aired last night on CBS. In the last episode, a series of flashbacks were shown from eviction night. Nicole Anthony called a house meeting, leading to a heated fight between Jackson Michie and Tommy Bracco. Holly made a new deal with Nicole and Cliff Hogg III in a bid to save herself. Then, Nicole won her 2nd straight Head of Household https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U5rkgcaF4I&t=1sCompetition. She chose to nominate Jackson Michie and Holly Allen for eviction.
Tonight, we saw some fallout from the nomination ceremony. Then, we saw some plotting and planning. After that, we were treated to a Luxury Competition featuring the return of evicted houseguest Ovi Kabir. After the Luxury Competition, we got into the all-important Power of Veto Competition. Big Brother 21 Episode 37 concluded with post-Power of Veto conversations between Michie and Holly and Cliff and Nicole. The Power of Veto ceremony will happen during Thursday’s episode.
Big Brother 21 Episode 37 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 37 began like most episodes do, with a recap of the events leading us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 37 picked up where Episode 36 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.
Nomination ceremony fallout and pre-Luxury Competition
Nicole knew her nominations didn’t matter this week. The Power of Veto was what mattered. She felt it was important for her to win the Power of Veto because Michie was such a scary competitor and she wanted him out.
Cliff said he had a deal with Michie where Michie had promised Cliff he would take him to the final three if he won the veto (it was a fake deal. Michie wasn’t planning on honoring it). Holly had also promised to throw the Power of Veto so Cliff felt safe either way but still wanted to win the Power of Veto to ensure his safety.
Michie knew that Nicole and Cliff wanted to split him and Holly up. However, he knew there was still a veto to be played and Cliff had a false sense of security with Michie.
Holly talked to the cameras and felt she should’ve been the HOH instead. Cliff talked to Nicole about making a deal with Holly. The deal was that they would let Holly out of her promise to throw the Veto in exchange for taking Cliff to the final three if she wins. They then offered this deal to Holly and she wouldn’t agree to the deal.
Cliff then went to talk to Michie in the archery room. Cliff told Michie their final 2 deal wasn’t real and that he was planning on taking Nicole instead. However, Cliff still wanted Michie to take him. Michie laughed at this notion in private.
Michie then relayed this conversation to Holly. Holly then relayed Michie information about the deal Cliff and Nicole had tried to make with her earlier. Michie vowed to Holly that if he won the Power of Veto he would send Cliff to jury.
Luxury Competition
Then, the houseguests competed in a luxury competition with a chance to win $10,000. For the competition, items around the house had been changed while the houseguests were in the HOH room. On “go”, players headed downstairs and had to start looking for what had been changed. Once they thought they knew the total number of changes, they had to head back upstairs, ring the bell, and make their only guess.
The first player to correctly guess the total number of changes won. If nobody guessed correctly, then the player that came closest to the correct number and guessed first won. Ovi made a special guest appearance as part of the competition. Nobody got the answer of 18 correct but Michie came the closest and guessed first so he won the prize.
Power of Veto Competition
After the Luxury Competition, it was time for the Power of Veto Competition. Since there were only 4 players left in the game, everyone played in this Power of Veto Competition.
For this Power of Veto Competition, players had to reveal a statement. Then, they would use an oversized slingshot to launch balls at a giant game board. The goal was to knock down the faces of houseguests who did not apply to the statement. Once only houseguests whose faces matched the statement were left standing, players had to hit the answer button.
If players were correct, they’d move on to the next statement but if not, they had to try again until they got it right. If a player knocked down the wrong face, they would have to reset that section of the game board and try again. The houseguest who answered 3 statements in the fastest time would win the Power of Veto.
Michie won the Power of Veto with a time of 11 minutes and 29 seconds. Nicole finished 2nd with a time of 14 minutes and 17 seconds. Holly finished 3rd with a time of 17 minutes and 30 seconds. Cliff finished 4th with a time of 38 minutes and 36 seconds.
Cliff was upset that neither he nor Nicole won the Power of Veto. However, Cliff trusted in Michie to keep his deal to take Cliff to the final 2. Nicole lamented her loss in the Power of Veto Competition. Nicole hoped Michie would keep his word to Cliff but had her doubts that he would.
Michie felt this competition win was the best he has had all summer and most important. He knew it secured his and Holly’s spots on finale night.
Post Power of Veto Competition
Michie cried tears of joy. He was in shock that he won because he thought he had blown it. Michie said he’d had his back against the wall on numerous occasions and had fought through it for his family and friends back home. Michie also promised to never turn his back on Holly and informed Holly she was coming with him to final 3.
Big Brother 21 Episode 37 concluded with a conversation between Cliff and Nicole. Cliff and Nicole were upset with losing but Cliff falsely thought that Michie was going to take him to the final 3. Cliff thought Michie would honor the deal they had made. However, Nicole was scared Michie wasn’t going to honor the deal. Cliff tried to reassure Nicole that Michie was a man of his word and would do it.
In private, Cliff expressed confidence in his deal making. Nicole expressed her doubts about what was going to happen. Michie stated that even though he loved Cliff as a man, Michie had to send him home this week.
Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see if Cliff can turn the tide on Holly.