A brand-new episode of Big Brother aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 38.
Big Brother 21 Episode 38 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Nicole Anthony. Evicted houseguest Ovi Kabir made a guest appearance in a special Luxury Competition. Michie won this Luxury Competition, earning himself $10,000. Michie continued his winning streak by winning the Power of Veto as well. Michie’s win ensured that he would be removed from the chopping block and Cliff Hogg III would be the replacement nominee.
Tonight, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen are nominated for eviction by Head of Household Nicole Anthony. We lead off with fallout from the Power of Veto Competition. Then, we got a check in at the jury house and got an idea of what the jury was thinking. After the jury house check-in, we saw some last-minute scrambling from Cliff Hogg III to try and save himself from eviction. Big Brother 21 Episode 38 concluded with the live Power of Veto ceremony and eviction.
Big Brother 21 Episode 38 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 38 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences and giving them an idea of what to expect. Then, the show launched into a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown as is typical on eviction nights. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 38 picked up where Episode 37 left off, at the end of Power of Veto Competition.
Power of Veto Competition fallout
The gaming started with Michie, Nicole, and Holly were having a conversation in the backyard. Nicole privately held onto hope that Michie would honor his deal with Cliff to take Cliff to the final 3. However, Michie informed Nicole he was going to evict Cliff. Nicole wasn’t happy with this news.
Michie explained to Nicole that Cliff was going home (in spite of the deal the two had made) because Nicole and Cliff had considered evicting Holly the previous week. Nicole tried to take the heat off of Cliff by taking the blame for that. Even though Michie explained his logic but Nicole was still not happy.
Nicole then had a conversation with Cliff in the HOH room. She informed him that Michie was breaking their deal and sending him to jury. Cliff was unhappy with Michie upon hearing this news. After his conversation with Nicole, he then wanted to talk to Michie.
Jury house
We found out Analyse Talavera’s relationship with Jack Matthews had grown stronger in the jury house. Then, Nick Maccarone arrived to the jury house. Nick revealed that he felt betrayed by Tommy Bracco.
After Nick, Jessica Milagros arrived to the jury house. The jury then watched a tape of the events leading to Jessica’s eviction. Jack was surprised to see they let Cliff stay. Then, Jessica revealed it was a double eviction. Meanwhile, Nick seems to have formed a new showmance with Kathryn “Kat” Dunn.
Christie Murphy then showed up to the jury house. Nick celebrated Christie’s arrival to the jury house because he just didn’t like her. Christie and Nick soon got into a heated argument about why Nick didn’t respect Christie. The jurors then watched the tape of Christie’s eviction. After seeing what happened and Christie’s news of the alliance between Cliff, Nicole, Michie, and Holly, jurors gained new respect for Nicole.
Over a game of volleyball, the jurors debated who they thought would be next to arrive and then Tommy showed up. Tommy and Christie had a conversation where Tommy told Christie he had told others of their relationship while in the house. They then made a plan to tell their fellow jurors of their relationship.
When, Tommy and Christie sat down to join the other jurors, they dropped the bombshell that they knew each other. They revealed that they had known each other since elementary school and Christie had dated someone in Tommy’s family. Other jurors were upset about this and then they played the tape of Tommy’s eviction.
As they watched the tape, the jury continued to gain respect for Nicole’s game. The jurors agreed that it was going to be a hard decision on who to vote for on finale night.
Last-minute scrambling
Cliff and Michie had a conversation in the HOH room. Cliff and Michie discussed Michie going back on his deal with Cliff. Cliff then brought up jury votes. Cliff threatened that he and Nicole would not vote for Michie should Michie go to the end with Holly and he would do what he can to sway the jury against Michie. Michie was extremely upset with Cliff for this move.
Power of Veto ceremony and live eviction
Big Brother 21 Episode 38 concluded with the live Power of Veto ceremony and eviction. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Michie chose to use the Power of Veto on himself. As a result of this, Nicole had to name a replacement nominee. For her replacement nominee, Nicole had no choice but to name Cliff as the replacement.
At the live eviction, Michie as a result of winning the Power of Veto, cast the sole vote to evict in the live eviction. He voted to evict Cliff. This made Cliff the 8th member of the jury. After Cliff’s eviction, he had his exit interview with Julie.
Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins Part 1 of the final HOH Competition!