Big Brother 21 Episode 40 recap: The winner is…..

Jackson Michie playing Veto Comp "Froggy Style" on BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo:best possible screengrab//CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Jackson Michie playing Veto Comp "Froggy Style" on BIG BROTHER will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Tuesday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3. As of Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to its regular schedule of Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo:best possible screengrab//CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The season finale of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 40.

Big Brother 21 Episode 40 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, the final 3 recapped the season. Big Brother 20 alums, JC Monduix, Tyler Crispen, and Kaycee Clark sat down with host Julie Chen-Moonves to discuss Big Brother 21. Then, we saw part 1 of the 3-part final HOH Competition, which Jackson Michie won.

Tonight, we saw the jury roundtable with Big Brother legend Dr. Will Kirby. Then, we saw the final two parts of the 3-part HOH Competition. After the HOH Competition, the HOH cast their vote to evict live. Before the winner was crowned, the evicted houseguests got their chance to speak. After the evicted houseguests got their chance to speak, the winner was revealed. Big Brother 21 Episode 40 concluded with the reveal of America’s Favorite Player.

Big Brother 21 Episode 40 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 40 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences and giving them an idea of what to expect tonight. Then, the show launched into a recap of the events leading us to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 40 began with the jury roundtable.

Jury roundtable with Dr. Will Kirby

Cliff Hogg III entered the jury house and Big Brother legend Dr. Will Kirby visited the jury house to lead a roundtable discussion. At the roundtable discussion, the jury debated the merits of the final 3 in terms of why they should or shouldn’t win Big Brother 21. It was clear that even though some in the jury were unhappy with Michie’s behavior, he was the front runner.

Final HOH Competition part 2

Next, we saw part 2 of the final 3-part HOH Competition. For this competition, players were shown pictures of events that happened this season on Big Brother. Once players knew a day that the memory was made, they had to grab the day number and climb the brain and place the day number above the memory.

Once players felt they had all 12 memories correct, they had to hit the button and lock in their answer. If they were correct, they would hear a ding and their time would stop. If they were wrong, they would hear a buzzer and the clock would continue running until they got it correct. The person who placed the days correctly and hits the button in the fastest amount of time would win.

Michie did not compete as a result of winning part 1. Holly Allen won part 2 with a time of 10 minutes and 38 seconds. Nicole Anthony finished 2nd with a time of 14 minutes and 38 seconds. This meant Nicole was now nominated for eviction.

Michie was excited that Holly won part 2 as Holly was his showmance. Nicole was devastated upon losing the competition because she knew that was the last chance she had to save herself.

Fallout from final HOH part 2

Even though Nicole knew she was more than likely going to be evicted after losing part 2, she didn’t give up. She talked to Holly about keeping and evicting Michie should Holly win part 3. Nicole pointed out to Holly that the jury might think Holly rode coattails because of the high number of competitions Michie won. Nicole also pointed out that by evicting Michie, the jury’s perception of her might change for the better. While Holly knew taking Nicole would be the better option, she wasn’t sure if she could screw Michie over like that.

Final HOH Competition part 3

After Nicole’s pitch to Holly, it was time for part 3 of the final 3-part HOH Comp. For this competition, Michie and Holly would be shown a video featuring a jury member. In each video, the juror will make 3 statements reminiscing on their game. Michie and Holly’s job was to identify which statement was false. For each correct answer, they would receive 1 point. The houseguest with the most points after all 8 videos would win HOH.

Michie won by a score of 8-7. Holly missed question number 5 and that was enough to give Michie the win.

Live eviction

At the live eviction, Michie chose to evict Nicole as expected. This made Nicole the 9th and final member of the jury. Then, Nicole had her exit interview with Julie.

The evicted houseguests speak

After Nicole’s eviction, she joined the rest of the jury to question the final two. The jury criticized Michie for his behavior in the house and poor jury management but agreed that he played a great game. Holly was criticized for not playing her own game.

Holly struggled answering the questions and was cut off by Julie on a couple of occasions for taking too long. Michie meanwhile was much clearer and more well-spoken on his arguments.

After the jury questioning and closing statements, the jury voted for the winner. Then, the pre-jury houseguests joined the jury on stage.

Christie Murphy, Jack Matthews, Nick Maccarone, and Michie were all confronted for their behavior in the house. Ovi Kabir and Nicole were asked about the incident were Nicole was shut out of the HOH room by Gr8ful as it was perceived as an act of bullying by some. Nicole said she planned to forgive them and move forward.

Kemi Fakunle was upset with Christie, Jack, Nick, and Michie for them constantly talking about in her in a racist manner. The four apologized to Kemi for their actions but Kemi was not ready to forgive Christie and Michie as they didn’t know what they were apologizing for.

Michie was confronted by Julie about his selections for who to banish as Camp Director. Some fans had felt he discriminated against race and age based on his selections. Michie was visibly shaken by these allegations and defended his actions. David Alexander said that while he saw the move as gameplay, he felt there were some implied biases in Michie and Jack and hoped they became better people.

Nick was confronted about his behavior with women. He had told Isabella “Bella” Wang that he would learn mandarin and loved her. However, he and Kat had a “jury-mance,” which went completely against that. Nick took responsibility for his actions and said he had hoped nothing would be shown so he could tell Bella about his feelings for Kat first. Bella was upset with Nick because Nick made a commitment to her and felt Nick made her look stupid (the one thing she had asked of him was to not make her look stupid). As a result, Bella was hurt by his actions and said nobody deserved to feel that way.

Winner reveal and America’s Favorite Player

After the pre-jury spoke, the winner was revealed. Ultimately, the jury respected Michie’s gameplay enough to overcome his flaws and Michie won the season in a 6-3 vote. Kathryn “Kat” Dunn, Jessica Milagros, and Nicole were the ones who voted for Holly to win. Despite of his win, Michie couldn’t celebrate amidst the controversies he was involved in.

Big Brother 21 Episode 40 concluded with the announcement of America’s Favorite Player. Tommy Bracco, Cliff, and Nicole were announced as the top 3 vote getters. Nicole won America’s Favorite Player, garnering over 1,000,000 votes. Nicole won $25,000 for winning America’s Favorite Player.

Congratulations to Michie on winning Big Brother 21 and to Nicole for winning America’s Favorite Player!