With 10 seasons under its belt, it’s only right to see where the 1st episode of each Bob’s Burgers season ranks including “The Ring (But Not Scary)”.
Season premieres are always exciting especially when it’s your favorite show. For a lot of us out there, Bob’s Burgers is our favorite show and thankfully, it’s back. With the season 10 premiere comes an entirely new batch of episodes for us to watch and hopefully, love. There’s nothing like looking back at the beginning, though.
In honor of season 10 premiering, I figured that it’s time to look back at the 1st episodes from each season and try to rank them. Of course, this list is my own opinion but I’m hoping that a lot of my fellow fans will agree with my picks. Since season 10 has officially kicked off, it’s also going to be considered for the list.
Before getting started, there are a few points that need to be made. First, this list is only my opinion and is ranked by what I think. If you have a different list, I’d love to see it below and compare our rankings. Second, there will be spoilers for the previous seasons along with the season premiere episode, “The Ring (But Not Scary).”
Lastly, feel free to share your thoughts on “The Ring (But Not Scary)” as it’s always nice to hear what others have to say about the Belchers.