25 Days of Dean-mas Day 12: Top times Dean Winchester has been the best big brother ever

"Lazurus Rising" - Jared Padalecki as Sam, Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on the CW.Photo credit: Sergei Bachlakov©2008 THE CW NETWORK, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
"Lazurus Rising" - Jared Padalecki as Sam, Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on the CW.Photo credit: Sergei Bachlakov©2008 THE CW NETWORK, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. /
“Repo Man” – Pictured: Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on The CW.Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW©2011 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

Dean Winchester is the big brother Sammy has always needed on Supernatural. He’s made multiple sacrifices over the years, but here are his top 5 big brother moments.

Supernatural started with a show about two brothers. It’s always been about Sam and Dean, and we’ve seen many moments throughout the course of the 15-season run. But which big brother moments stand out the most?

That’s something we’re looking at on Day 12 of the 25 Days of Dean-mas. We’re over the halfway mark here, as we get ready to enter the winter Hellatus. What better time to celebrate the big brother that Dean is? Here are my top five big brother moments.

I will make a note first, though. I don’t view Dean making the deal for Sam’s life as a great moment. While it brought Sam back to life, it meant that Sam had to go through a year of knowing his brother would die and led to Sam grieving his brother, believing that it was the genuine end.

5. Giving Sammy the last bowl of cereal

There is an adorable moment in the flashback when Sam wants some cereal. He’s seen the box of the cereal, so there must be some, right? Well, there is but there’s only enough for one bowl. Dean tries to tell Sam that he hasn’t had any yet and it’s his turn, but there’s no way that Dean can just let his little brother look sad.

So, Dean gives Sammy the last bowl of cereal. It’s such a cute moment that shows all the sacrifices Dean has made in the past, both big and small.

“Swan Song” – Jensen Ackles as Dean in SUPERNATURAL on The CW.Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW©2010 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

4. Setting off the fireworks

When in Heaven, Dean comes across a memory that brings tears to his eyes. Young Sammy is with him and they’re watching the fireworks. Sam makes a point that it’s something John would never have allowed, and that makes this moment all the more special.

Dean would do anything for his brother. He sneaks out in the middle of the night to set off the fireworks with Sammy. And we’ve got to remember that this is when Dean is about 17 or 18. He could have been with any friends he possibly made in school, but he spends the time making Sammy happy.

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3. Helping Sam fight Lucifer

At the very end of Supernatural Season 5, we get a chance to see how it could have ended. It’s Lucifer and Michael against each other in their vessels, Sam and Adam. This isn’t a fight that Dean should be there for, but he is. After all, he’s not letting Sam fight Lucifer internally alone.

Dean, along with Baby, help to bring Sam to the surface. They give Sam the strength he needs to fight down Lucifer and take control of his body. This allows Sam the chance to open the door to the Cage and sacrifice himself to save the entire of humanity. He even ends up pulling Adam/Michael in for good measure, albeit unintentionally.

Dean just watches as it happens. He doesn’t attempt to prevent Sam making a sacrifice, and is just there.

Supernatural “Pilot” Image # SN100-6733 Pictured (l-r): Jared Padelecki as Sam, Jensen Ackles as Dean Photo Credit: © The WB / Justin Lubin
Supernatural “Pilot” Image # SN100-6733 Pictured (l-r): Jared Padelecki as Sam, Jensen Ackles as Dean Photo Credit: © The WB / Justin Lubin /

2. Sacrificing his best friend for his brother

Dean has a huge favor to ask of Benny in Supernatural Season 8. When Sam gets to Purgatory, Dean needs to find a way to get him out. So, he turns to a monster he knows he can trust. If Benny dies, he’ll go to Purgatory and can help guide Sam to the doorway back to Earth.

Benny makes this sacrifice for Dean, but there is a sacrifice in there for Dean to make as well. He and Benny have a great friendship. They are willing to fight beside each other. He is the one that has to kill Benny to send him to Purgatory.

Little did Dean know at the time but Benny wasn’t planning on coming back. After everything that happened on Earth, Benny realized that his time was done and he was back in the world of dead monsters. But he did get Sammy back to Dean.

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1. Carrying his brother out of the house as a baby

The greatest big brother moment for Dean is right at the beginning. It’s the bit that kickstarted it all. When the fire started in Sam’s nursery, John was able to get his son out. However, he also needed to try to get Mary out alive, too.

John handed a four-year-old Dean his baby brother. With that, Dean ran out of the house with baby Sam in his arms. He became his brother’s protector, and it would start this need to protect Sam forever after this.

It also links to the end of the pilot. We would see Dean be the one to pull Sam out of the burning apartment. I was going to have this as a moment by itself, but there are so many others that it seems to make more sense to join it in with the baby Sammy moment as it’s a reflection.

dark. Next. 25 Days of Dean-mas: The full schedule

What were your favorite big brother moments from Dean over the years of Supernatural? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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