While Jack almost joins the mile-high club with Ryan Phillippe, Will & Grace welcomes Billie Lourd to teach the titular duo about bisexuality.
What do Billie Lourd, Ryan Phillippe, and an economy flight have in common? They were all guest stars on the latest episode of Will & Grace and provided pivotal life lessons for our fab four.
Karen and Jack travel and have two very different flight experiences. While Jack seizes the chance opportunity to cash in his celebrity hall pass with Ryan Phillippe, Karen wades through the trauma of forgoing first class for coach. However, will Karen Walker survive on nips of vodka and bagged peanuts?
Meanwhile, Will and Grace find themselves in tricky territory when Grace’s niece Fiona, played by Will & Grace legacy Billie Lourd, shows up for a visit and her boyfriend Trevor has more in common with Will than they were expecting. Will and Grace question Trevor’s bisexuality and confront the couple, leading to an eye-opening conversation for the parents-to-be. But Lourd’s appearance wouldn’t be complete without a special ode to her late grandmother Debbie Reynolds.
Let’s recap the latest episode of Will & Grace with the gang’s five sharpest burns.
1. “If they were all like you, I’d stop throwing marbles at the Pride parade.”
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Since it seems all too rare these days, and they’ll soon be gone altogether, we’ll have to cherish the moments when the core four of Will & Grace share the screen together. They appear in only the cold open as a group, and though it’s short, it’s super sweet. The gang set up their stories for the episode: Will and Grace entertaining Grace’s niece Fiona, Karen flying commercial with her assistant, and Jack celebrating his one-year anniversary with Estefan. Before dividing conquering, Karen sneaks one signature dig in at Jack’s expense.
2. “Row 3, where Melania puts Tiffany?”
Karen boards her flight with her assistant Amy (guest star Vanessa Bayer) and instantly feels the trauma of not reaping the benefits of first class. She can’t believe they’re sitting behind the curtain, where she thinks there’s nothing but sky.
To make matters worse, she’s handed a fun-size bottle of vodka, hardly enough for a sip for iron-livered Karen Walker. When Amy realizes Karen’s having a panic attack due to the stripping of her privilege, she coaches (ha!) her through it, and would you believe, Karen opens herself up to letting someone in and see her vulnerability.

3. “His toosh in Cruel Intentions was my ’90s crack addiction.”
Jack also boards his flight, which Estefan works as an attendant. While getting comfortable in his seat, with the magic of his anniversary in the air, Jack chats with the man across the aisle about marriage and celebrity hall passes. Ironically, Jack mentions that Ryan Phillippe would be his celebrity hall pass, and who should walk up and sit next to Jack but Ryan Phillippe.
When the actor mentions he’s preparing for a gay sex scene and feels anxious that he won’t be able to accurately portray the act because he’s never done it, Jack wastes no time in asking Estefan for permission to shoot his shot. Estefan grants his wish, which leaves Jack feeling unsettled.
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4. “You have a whole bookshelf of books… about butts.”
While Jack and Estefan settle their turbulence by allowing Ryan to watch them have sex (it’s so wild, you have to laugh), Will and Grace find themselves in the middle of their own gay mess. Grace’s niece Fiona arrives with her boyfriend Trevor in tow, but Will and Grace don’t believe his claims to be bisexual. They see themselves in Fiona and Trevor and assume Trevor leans on bisexuality to prolong coming out as gay.
To Will and Grace, sexuality is black or white, gay or straight. But just because Trevor sleeps with men and likes The Devil Wears Prada doesn’t mean he can’t also be attracted to women.
5. “Please don’t say the ’90s likes it’s the ’50s.”
Although Grace would rather tread lightly with Fiona, because she relishes in being seen as the “fun aunt,” Will feels the need to confront Fiona and Trevor about their relationship before they take it to the next level. When talking to them individually doesn’t work out, Will and Grace try a more upfront approach, but Fiona and Trevor quickly school them on bisexuality and the danger of trying to define someone else’s sexuality.
What was true for Will isn’t true for everyone. Will and Grace realize that they were intolerant and have so much more to learn before becoming parents.
What did you think of the latest episode? Sound off in the comments!
Will & Grace airs Thursdays at 9/8c on NBC.