Last night, Global aired a Big Brother Canada 8 preview special. It was hosted by Carlos Bustamante and featured guest appearances from several former houseguests and host Arisa Cox.
Last night, Global aired a Big Brother Canada 8 preview special. Fans were treated to a tour of the house, some interviews with the new cast, and a preview of the first challenge of the season. It was hosted by Carlos Bustamante and featured guest appearances from several former houseguests and host Arisa Cox.
Big Brother Canada 8 Preview Episode Segment 1
First up was the house tour with host Arisa Cox. Big Brother Canada really outdid themselves on the house design this year. It looks spectacular.
The HOH room is an icicle room. Literally, there are icicles hanging from the wall. The bedrooms are anime themed. The first one was in black/gray and the other was in color. The living room has dark sky over a city with the Big Brother eye looking over it. There are also pictures of characters who are normal people near the front door but turn into superheroes by the time you get downstairs. Over by the diary room, you have a color fall design representing that the story was being written in real time according to Arisa.
The have not room is a swamp. I would not want to sleep in that room. The chamber (which is the room where the HOH makes their shortlist and nomination decisions), features busts of each of the houseguests.
Segment 2
After the house tour, we saw Big Brother Canada legend Ika Wong interviewing the new cast mates. A couple of the houseguests got really excited upon meeting Ika.
Some of the most interesting things to come out of the interviews are that Nico Vera wants to tone down his personality, Kyle Rozendal is a recovering cocaine addict (3.5 years sober), and that Rianne Swanson broke off her engagement 3 months before her wedding.
Segment 3
When the preview returned, we saw still more snippets from Ika’s interviews on the topic of showmances. Angie Tackie wants multiple showmances (that should work well… not), Sheldon Jean says his type is a girl that could get him closer to $100,000, apparently Chris Wyllie is a master of pick-up lines, and Jamar Lee once spotted Ika at the mall.
Also, Michael Stubley likes to be naked when he’s by himself but when he’s around people he has these ranger panties that he wears. Meanwhile, Brooke Warnock has lived with 80 cats before.
After the last Ika interview part, we went behind the scenes with some of the men and women from Big Brother Canada production. They gave us a behind the scenes look at the operations it takes to make Big Brother Canada what it is.
According to Big Brother Canada producers Eric Abboud and Pete Faragher, design on the next house starts almost immediately after the winner goes out the door, sometimes even before the end of the season. Planning the house typically lasts throughout the summer. It takes a team of about 300 people to renovate the house to its new design.
According to casting director Robyn Kass, the entire casting process generally lasts 3 to 4 months. In each cast, they try to make sure all of Canada is represented and pick different types of people. Once the cast is selected, they go to sequester and are put through a Big Brother Canada boot camp.
According to producer Lauren McCuaig, they go through the houseguest’s luggage to make sure they didn’t try and sneak any contraband in. They also go over any personal requirements so they can be taken care of properly in the house. Perhaps the biggest thing for producers is making sure that none of the Big Brother Canada houseguests cross each other’s paths in sequester.
Producer Eric Abboud also talked about how they ensure the diary room is completely safe for the houseguests to spill their guts. The only hear the voice of Big Brother Canada (and their own when they talk) and nobody can hear them in the diary room. The voice of Big Brother Canada is one of a handful of producers.
Then there was interview with executive producer Trevor Boris about the challenges. Sometimes it takes two days to build the challenges you see on Big Brother Canada. This means Trevor is usually in the backyard more than the houseguests.
They also have costumes for the challenges. Given how the houseguests measurements can fluctuate during the season, that presents a challenge in itself. According to costume designer/wardrobe stylist Lisa Williams, they try to provide multiple options to make sure the costume fits the houseguest and they can compete to the best of their abilities.
The team tries to reuse as many costumes as possible despite having new themes each season. They have items as far back as Big Brother Canada 2 in storage. The couch in the living room is the same one as last season but with a new design.
Segment 4
In this segment, Arisa gave a new detail on the first twist of the season. There will be no HOH in week 1. Arisa is hoping this season will have great characters and great gameplay. She has also noticed this cast is slightly older and a very interesting mix of people.
After that, we saw interviews with former houseguests Anthony Douglas, Olivia Riemer, Estefania Hoyos, and Brittnee Blair. They talked about what it takes to be a hero and a villain in Big Brother Canada. They also talked about if showmances are a good idea or not and about floaters.
Segment 5
After the break, Ika caught up with Big Brother Canada 7 winner Dane Rupert in his hometown of Kelowna, British Columbia. Dane is widely recognized in his Kelowna (which is a small town in Canada). It came as a shock to Dane being recognize but he loves being appreciated. He described being in the Big Brother Canada house as a glass case of emotion. However, he says he would play Big Brother Canada again.
Then they talked about the Pretty Boys. Dane says the Pretty Boys are still the best of friends outside of the house. He also talked about his relationship with Estefania and says they are great friends. Dane’s advice to Big Brother Canada 8 houseguests was to enjoy their time there and to build genuine, social relationships right off the bat.
After the catch up with Dane, we had went back to the panel of Anthony, Estefania, Olivia, and Brittnee to talk about what getting back to reality after living in the Big Brother Canada house is like. For Anthony the biggest adjustment was getting back to eating because of the routine you get used to. Olivia said getting back into the real world is almost like sensory overload. Estefania spoke about how crazy it was to have fans walk up to her and be excited to see her. Brittnee talked about how you don’t know how vulnerable you are coming outside of the house and then meeting previous houseguests who shared a similar experience. The four then talked about the lessons they learned in the house.
Segment 6
After the final commercial break, Carlos and Ika talked about challenges before competing in what will be the night 1 challenge. This challenge will be for 4 people as the 4 people who got the fewest votes to be saved in the opening twist will be immediately in danger. If you win the challenge, you are safe. There were cars hanging off the edge of a cliff about to crash and they had to hang on as long as they could.
To give Ika and Carlos something to play for, Trevor Boris told them the loser would go on slop. Ika defeated Carlos to win the challenge, putting Carlos on slop.
After Ika and Carlos tried the challenges, the houseguest panel talked about the taste of slop. They all talked about how disgusting slop truly is. Then Ika and Carlos talked about Ika’s predictions for the season (and she has a history of making good predictions). Ika thinks we will have a good season and thinks Sheldon will be a beast. She also didn’t like Nico and thinks he will be out first. She likes Jamar and hope he goes far. The show closed with Carlos having to try slop.
The two-night premiere of Big Brother Canada 8 begins Wednesday at 7 pm eastern. Will you be watching? Let us know in the comments!