A brand-new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 8.
A brand-new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 8.
In the previous episode, a twist to the Power of Veto saw 2 groups of 5 compete for the Veto, with one being safe and the other being immune. Sheldon wanted to name Minh-Ly Nguyen Cao the replacement nominee in the event that Madeline or Rianne won the POV. He asked his allies Vanessa Clements and Kyle Rozendal to throw the POV. This set in motion a chain of events leading to a confrontation between Vanessa and her KVBS allies.
Madeline Di Nunzio and John Luke Kieper won the prom themed POV competition. This gave Madeline the POV and John Luke immunity. Needing a replacement nominee, Sheldon settled on Minh-Ly as a backdoor target. Jamar Lee wasn’t happy with this decision and hinted to Minh-Ly she needed to talk to Sheldon. This led to a confrontation between Minh-Ly and Sheldon, where Sheldon told Minh-Ly she was the replacement nominee. At the POV ceremony, Madeline took herself off the block and Sheldon named Minh-Ly the replacement nominee.
In this episode, controversy was abound as not one, but two players were expelled from the game. We also saw Carol Rosher make a tasteless joke about Jamar Lee and a house meeting Minh-Ly called. The houseguests also received news on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 8 Begins
Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 8 began with an usual sight. Host Arisa Cox came on screen like she normally does, but she was working from home as a precaution to her family. However, she is fine. Arisa then sent shockwaves through the Big Brother Canada community when she announced that production had decided to remove 2 people from the house. Arisa also cryptically noted that once was acceptable was no longer acceptable in 2020.
Following Arisa’s announcement, the show launched into its recap. Once the recap was over, Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 8 began where Episode 7 left off, at the end of the POV ceremony.
POV Ceremony Fallout
Jamar was unhappy with Sheldon for nominating Minh-Ly. He felt it was a weak move and that nobody wanted to go after the big dogs. Jamar reconfirmed to Minh-Ly he was firmly on her side and that he would be voting Rianne out.
Brooke and Sheldon then talked in the bathroom. They felt good about the chances of Minh-Ly being evicted and with Minh-Ly and Rianne being on the block.
Kyle had a chat with Madeline trying to make sure she was okay with him. He wanted to make sure that Madeline would not put him on the block if she won HOH.
Jamar then vented to the cameras about his frustrations with the other houseguests. He felt those like Kyle were only in the house for airtime. Minh-Ly then came in and told Jamar that he needed her in the game because if she was gone, he would be targeted. After their conversation, Minh-Ly and Jamar shared some kisses.
COVID-19 Announcement
On March 15, houseguests were called to the living room by production. Executive Producer Erin Brock then informed the houseguests about the seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak. Erin informed them that the virus had been declared a pandemic and was spread worldwide. Erin also confirmed that their caretakers were fine. Erin also said the majority of the cases were in China, Italy, and Iran.
Susanne Fuda said that she had a lot of family in Italy and asked Erin to call her mom and make sure they were okay. Madeline said her parents had a trip to Italy planned and Erin informed them parents had cancelled their trip.
Angie Tackie asked how this would affect Big Brother Canada 8. Erin couldn’t say what would happen and that they were taking it day by day. They were also taking every precaution necessary and taking good care of everyone. Erin also said that she would keep them informed of more news. Erin also told them there would be letters from home in the pantry with assurances they were okay.
The houseguests then read their letters to each other over some pizza. After reading their letters, Jamar initiated a group hug.
Post Announcement
Rianne tried to plant seeds with Susanne that Chris Wyllie, Vanessa, and Kyle were dangerous and needed to be broken up. Susanne talked to Chris about how big of a threat Kyle was. Chris told Susanne about his ability to read people.
Then, we saw a scene with Hira Deol and Angie talking to Jamar. Carol Rosher had made a tasteless joke towards Jamar. Vanessa had made a remark to Jamar about how he would be the talk of the town if he came to Prince Edward Island. Then Carol chimed in saying the police would be looking for him (presumably on account of race). Jamar felt he was owed an apology from Carol. Angie felt that Carol should understand the ramifications of what she said.
Carol then talked to Jamar about the incident and told him she was wrong for saying it. Jamar informed Carol that he had never been in the cops in his life and how people assume he sells drugs due to the kind of car he drives and other negative things associated with his race. Carol apologized for the joke and Jamar accepted the apology.
Sheldon and Brooke tried to do damage control with Madeline and Rianne. Whether it worked is anyone’s guess.
Minh-Ly then confronted Vanessa on what she was hearing. Vanessa denied Minh-Ly’s accusations. Minh-Ly tried to get votes from those in the room by pointing out if they took her out, they’d be doing Kyle’s bidding. Minh-Ly then said she would call a house meeting.
At her house meeting Minh-Ly addressed the rumors she had been hearing about herself and wanted to know where they came from. Minh-Ly then called out Kyle and Vanessa during the meeting. Jamar then confronted Vanessa and asked her if she was playing him and Vanessa admitted she was. Then, Minh-Ly made her pitch to stay by saying she would go against Kyle and Vanessa and told them if they kept her, they could change the direction of the game.
The Expulsions
Arisa then came back on screen and mentioned that they did not show the house meeting in its entirety but as tensions rose, Jamar’s conduct clearly broke house rules and that resulted in his removal from the game. She said production’s decision were based on things that were shown based on things both shown and not shown on the live feeds during the meeting. We then saw the moment houseguests found out Jamar wouldn’t be coming back.
Minh-Ly was visibly upset about Jamar’s expulsion, to the point of crying. The other houseguests tried to give her comfort.
Then, Arisa came back on screen and said that production had witnessed a pattern of problematic behavior by Kyle and as a result, he was also removed from the game. She said that the decision was based on reviewing footage from the entire season. Arisa then announced the game would be reset. Minh-Ly and Rianne would be removed from the chopping block and that Sheldon would be able compete for HOH since his reign had been cut short.
We were then shown when Erin announced the decision to expel Kyle. The houseguests were in complete shock. Erin said they would not tolerate any behavior moving forward that they deemed to be contrary to the spirit and integrity of Big Brother Canada. She also told the houseguests about the eviction and the HOH Competition.
Sheldon was upset about what happened. He hated seeing Kyle leave and Brooke comforted him. The rest of the group huddled together and got themselves pumped up for the remainder of the game.
Rianne and Minh-Ly then talked about how different the game felt after what had happened. John Luke and Madeline were also in the room. Minh-Ly pitched to them how if none of them touched the block, they could control what happened that week.
HOH Competition
For this HOH competition, players were in a sleeping bag and had to hold on to a bar for as long as they could. If they let go, they would slide into the pillows and would be eliminated from the competition. By the time the episode concluded, Carol, Angie, Brooke, and Rianne had been eliminated from the competition. The HOH Competition would conclude on Saturday.
Writer’s Note
Honestly, these expulsions feel suspect at best. First of all, they should’ve been given a warning about their behavior instead of being expelled right away. Secondly, there was no video evidence shown at all as to why either man was expelled. The lack of video evidence shown really makes you question whether or not there were legitimate grounds for expulsion. Whenever Big Brother USA has had expulsion, they’ve shown the incidents in question.
Where I will cut production some slack in all of this is that is with the HOH competition. I feel they made the right call allowing Sheldon to compete again because of how his reign got cut short. Overall, I hope the Big Brother Canada production team learns from this experience on how to handle further incidents like this moving forward.
What do you think of Jamar and Kyle’s expulsions? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below!