A brand-new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 10. It was also the penultimate episode of the season.
A brand-new episode of Big Brother Canada 8 aired last night on Global TV. It was Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 10. It was also the penultimate episode of the season.
In the previous episode, Sheldon Jean won his second consecutive Head of Household competition after Chris Wyllie dropped out. However, he immediately began to have regrets about not giving the Head of Household to Chris. It was revealed during the competition that Sheldon, Vanessa Clements, and Brooke Warnock had added Susanne Fuda and Chris to their alliance after Kyle Rozendal’s expulsion.
Carol Rosher came to the realization that she no longer wanted to be in the Big Brother Canada house. She first told Sheldon and Chris of her plans to quit, much to their chagrin. They tried to convince Carol to stay so they could take out Minh-Ly Nguyen Cao. However, Carol held a house meeting to inform her fellow houseguests of her desires to leave the game.
Knowing that she was in danger, Minh-Ly fought to make sure that Carol got her wish. Sheldon took Rianne to Wendy’s and received a video message from his brother. He was later surprised with the Wendy’s Power Up Necklace, which gave him a choice between 2 powers that he had 24 hours to decide on.
In last night’s episode, we saw the Power of Veto competition, Skip the Dishes plug, and the houseguests receiving an update on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 10 begins
Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 10 began with host Arisa Cox working from home. She addressed the recent suspension of production on the season due to measures taken to curb COVID-19. Then, the show launched into its recap.
Pre-Power of Veto
Carol was proud of herself for lasting a whole month in the Big Brother Canada house. Sheldon was frustrated that once again he could not put his plans in motion as HOH. Rianne found it hard to sympathize with Carol because of how she took the experience for granted.
Minh-Ly then went to talk to Sheldon. You remember that weird relationship Minh-Ly had with Jamar Lee where you couldn’t tell half the time if they were flirting or fighting? That’s Minh-Ly’s relationship with Sheldon too. Just no kissing involved.
Sheldon expressed his frustrations to Brooke about Carol wanting the house to evict her as opposed to self-evicting. He regretted winning HOH as a result of Carol’s desires to leave.
Minh-Ly then talked with Chris. Chris then took the opportunity to try to build his relationship with Minh-Ly by teaching her how to be more subtle.
John Luke Kieper and Susanne were not fairing well on slop. Susanne was easily fairing the worst, acting like a baby to the point where they put baby music over the scene. Brooke joked about how Susanne’s behavior would scare anyone from putting her on slop again. Minh-Ly was frustrated with Susanne’s whining and used it as an opportunity to turn Rianne, John Luke, and Madeline Di Nunzio against her.
Minh-Ly then told Sheldon and Brooke about how she had run away from home at age 14 and kept running away from whatever foster homes they tried to put her in. Sheldon and Brooke appreciated Minh-Ly telling her the story.
Rianne then talked to Angie Tackie in an effort to get Angie on her side. Angie was wanting to take out Minh-Ly because of the beef they had over the past few weeks. Rianne wanted to go after Vanessa. By the time the conversation, it felt like Rianne made no progress in her mission.
Then, it was time to draw players for the POV competition. Sheldon revealed he had selected the Chop a Vote power from the Wendy’s Power Up Necklace. Joining Minh-Ly and Carol were Hira, Chris, and Vanessa. Sheldon selected John Luke to host the POV competition.
Hira, Susanne, and Chris were talking in the kitchen. Hira joked getting Minh-Ly off the block. Susanne then suggested if one of them one, using the POV on Carol and force her to self-evict. Hira told them what they wanted to hear and agreed to it.
Power of Veto
For this week’s POV competition, players had to take cannon balls one at a time, take it across a draw bridge, and place it on their platform, resting it in one of the divets. If any balls fell off the platform, their score would go back to 0 and return all cannon balls to their castle. Carol tried to win the competition to secure her own eviction. However, it was Hira who won the POV this week.
Post-Power of Veto
Hira celebrated his POV win in the Wendy’s room. Then it was time for the Skip the Dishes plug. Canada voted for John Luke to win a meal from Skip the Dishes and be off of slop for the rest of the week.
After the Skip the Dishes plug, we were treated to another segment of Sheldon and Minh-Ly’s odd relationship. If you thought Jamar and Minh-Ly were odd together, its got nothing on Sheldon and Minh-Ly.
Susanne was frustrated with what was going on. Her and Sheldon both wanted to evict Minh-Ly instead of letting Carol continue to hold the house hostage. Brooke felt it was the better move for Sheldon to grant Carol her wish. However, Susanne was still adamant about getting Minh-Ly out. Brooke pointed out that the amount of damage control they would have to do would potentially be crippling. Sheldon still had the Chop a Vote power and wanted to use it to help evict Minh-Ly. However, Sheldon eventually backed down and sided with Brooke.
Houseguests were then called into the living room to receive an update on the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting took place on March 21. She also told houseguests production was speaking with their families every day. They specifically provided Susanne with an update that her family in Italy was quarantined and safe. Vanessa received word that her parents had returned home from their trip, had self-isolated, and were healthy. Hira asked if major sports leagues were still playing and the house was informed that no sports leagues were currently operating.
This update made houseguests aware of the gravity of the situation. They realized that things were basically shutting down everywhere, it was no joke, and how lucky they were to be in the Big Brother Canada house at that time. The news hit Susanne particularly hard and she felt there wasn’t a point to Big Brother Canada anymore. Chris was there to comfort her.
Power of Veto ceremony
At the POV ceremony, Hira chose not to use the POV. After the POV ceremony, Arisa came back on the screen. She reiterated that Big Brother Canada 8 had come to an early end due to the government mandated shutdown of Ontario. She also informed us that the there would be no episode tonight, but instead on Wednesday, April 1 at 7 pm. Arisa also said that all houseguests were now home safely with their families.
What do you think about production suspended early? Feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!