7 shows with swords, sex and politics to scratch your Game of Thrones itch

Image Credit: Callum Gunn for Hidden Remote
Image Credit: Callum Gunn for Hidden Remote /
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Game of Thrones
Medici: The Magnificent — Courtesy of Netflix and Vod Lux — Acquired via TPF London PR /

6. Medici

While Da Vinci’s Demons opted for a more underhanded approach, Medici sets out to portray the beauty and passion behind the Italian Renaissance. Sure, the plot and characterization are a bit thin at points, and the Italian people with their pesky authentic accents are often pushed to supporting roles.

However, there’s no denying the earnest dedication in bringing this multi-generational chess game to life. The ornate sets, lavish costumes, and breathtaking locations place you firmly in Florence and other locales of the time.

That encompassing quality extends to the writing as the show basks in the minute details of this banking family. You’re privy to every deal, every tactic they use to strengthen their influence, allowing you to fully grasp the gravity of the enterprise and appreciate the fortitude and resourcefulness of those who manage it.

Everyone in the Medici dynasty works to build the future, often at the cost of their own short-term happiness. This even includes the women, who do their own share of political maneuvering.

All of these elements work in tandem to present the Renaissance in both its glory and tragedy. The series invites you to admire the beauty of artistic expression and invention—for beauty’s sake and the sake of God—while lamenting how it’s often destroyed by greed and petty squabbles. Game of Thrones fans should know all about how grudges prevent one from seeing the bigger picture.