Let’s look back at all of Linda’s mother’s wildest moments on Bob’s Burgers.
If there’s one area that Bob’s Burgers lacks in, it’s not featuring the kids’ grandparents in more episodes. While we’ve seen episodes featuring Bob’s dad along with Linda’s parents, they aren’t really many episodes where they take center stage.
In particular, a lot of episodes focus on Bob and Linda’s relationship with their parents/in-laws rather than the kids. Either way, it’s nice to see the kids interacting with their grandparents in any way.
Looking back, there are rarely any episodes featuring Bob’s dad and it’s presumed that Bob’s mother has passed away. Loren Bouchard has mentioned we’ll be finding out more about her in the movie, though. However, there are more episodes featuring Linda’s parents, Al and Gloria but between the two, Gloria is the one who gets more screen time and usually has more lines which isn’t surprising.
In honor of this week’s Season 11 episode, “The Terminalator II: Terminals of Endearment,” we’ll be looking back and ranking all of Gloria’s episode appearances. Even though there are only four, it’ll still be fun to look back. As mentioned above, it’s incredibly rare to see episodes featuring Bob or Linda’s parents so it’s nice to look back at some of Gloria’s best moments.
If you haven’t watched this week’s Bob’s Burgers episode, there will be spoilers from “The Terminalator II: Terminals of Endearment.” Let’s get into ranking the best episodes featuring Linda’s mother, Gloria, and see where Season 11 ranks.