5 shows to comfort binge on Netflix once The Office departs

Photo: Schitt's Creek/Pop TV.. Acquired via Pop TV Press site
Photo: Schitt's Creek/Pop TV.. Acquired via Pop TV Press site
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Kim’s Convenience

A hidden gem in the Netflix collection, Kim’s Convenience is a show with a ton of heart and a lot of laughs. Centering around a Korean family that runs a convenience store in Toronto, the show trades on familial love and the tried-and-true formula of workplace comedies.

Unlike many modern half-hour comedies, there are no edginess or dark corners here, just a good old-fashioned sitcom that revels in Canada’s niceness. Storylines occasionally comment on social issues such as racism or feminism, but the narrative often quickly circles back to human foibles such as sweet misunderstandings or fumbling through relationships.

The intrinsic warmth of the show radiates outward, catching the viewer in a big, snuggly hug upon each viewing. You won’t regret rotating this one into your new comfort binge menu, especially since the Kim’s story isn’t over yet. There are new episodes on the horizon in 2021!


A beloved show from the early 2000s, Girlfriends is a series that you may have never heard of. It’s time to rectify that situation. The series just recently hit Netflix in September of this year in celebration of its 20th (!) anniversary.

Following the lives of four black women in L.A., Girlfriends touched on all sorts of serious issues such as pregnancy, HIV, mental health, and racism but delivered the storylines with a touch of much-needed levity.

The main characters on Girlfriends had messy and fascinating lives, and the four women at the core of the show had an effervescent comedic chemistry that kept fans hooked for eight seasons. Watching the fantastic foursome of Joan, Toni, Maya, and Lynn as they navigate the ups and downs of life might just be your new comfort binge escape.