Moon Knight: Who are the Ennead? (What gods make up the group?)

Photo: Moon Knight.. key art.. Courtesy Marvel Studios, Disney+
Photo: Moon Knight.. key art.. Courtesy Marvel Studios, Disney+ /

Spoilers ahead of Moon Knight episode 3

Moon Knight introduced viewers unfamiliar with the Ennead to the group of Egyptian gods in its series premiere when Steven Grant tried to explain to his supervisor Donna why the museum’s poster was inaccurate. However, it wasn’t until episode 3 that we met the show’s iteration of this gathering of gods.

Marc is brought before the Ennead after Khonshu manipulated the sky, producing a solar eclipse. As Harrow points out, it’s a desperate ploy, but it is one that works. The mercenary and the moon god are granted an audience with five gods, the same ones who banished Khonshu from their ranks.

Yatzil, the avatar of the goddess Hathor, is the first member of the group that we meet. Hathor was Khonshu’s friend long ago and it’s that connection that serves Marc and the moon god well when Yatzil helps them find the tomb where Ammit is hidden.

The other gods, however, don’t have a soft spot for Khonshu. In fact, they’re unwilling to hear him out when it comes to Harrow’s plans and dismiss the accusations both Marc and Khonshu lodge against the man. But our time with the Ennead clearly isn’t over given the end of episode 3.

Who makes up this powerful group? Here’s what we know!

Who are the Ennead on Moon Knight?

In Moon Knight, the Ennead consists of Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Tefnut, and Horus. According to Britannica, the real world Ennead (referred to as the Great Ennead of Heliopolis) consisted of the following gods:

  • Ra, the creator and god of the sun
  • Shu, god of air
  • Tefnut, goddess of moisture – Shu’s sister and companion
  • Geb, god of the earth
  • Nut, goddess of the sky
  • Osiris, god of the afterlife
  • Isis, goddess of magic and healing – wife of Osiris
  • Nephthys, goddess of air

As we’ve only met five gods a part of the Ennead in Moon Knight, we suspect we could meet more as the series progresses. Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more Marvel news and coverage!

Next. Moon Knight - Who plays Khonshu?. dark