Survivor 42 episode 8 didn’t waste much time before getting to tonight’s individual immunity challenge. It’s was at the 8:08 mark approximately, but there’s a reason to the early immunity madness. This week highlights the remaining contestants being separated into two groups of 5, and each group competes for individual immunity.
All ten members of the tribe are placed on triangular shaped balancing platforms in the water. Previous seasons usually saw fairly calm waters, but that was not the case tonight. Each player was rocking up and down as the waves swelled around them. Several players were out within the first minute, and it seems like a miracle the remaining players lasted as long as they did.
Hai Giang was the first to win immunity in his group, while Lindsay Dolashewich and Jonathan Young battled it out as the last two standing for their group. It was a highly contested balance-off where Jonathan took the immunity win. In what seemed like simple choices for vote-offs, the following tribal councils proved that Survivor brings this game back to reality with real world implications.
How does Survivor 42 episode 8 represent struggles some players feel coming into the game?
After the immunity challenge, it seemed like it would be easy votes for both groups of players. Romeo Escobar for one tribe and Tori Meehan for the other were the optimal targets for the majority alliance from last week’s episode. Though, it took Omar Zaheer only a few moments to realize that this plan would not work for him. Omar and Romeo are two people willing to work together, so this obvious vote does not work.
Omar orchestrated talks towards Rocksroy Bailey, fully explaining how “Rocks” isn’t as flexible in future gameplay. As a snowball going down a hill, this vote turned into something bigger as the idea of switching votes gained momentum. Eventually, the first group voted out Rocksroy with its smaller group. With the result of this tribal council, the other group appeared with the recent vote-out sitting “courtside” and the shocked faces were very apparent.
Every player of the second tribe were shocked by Rocks being voted off. It revealed two things: the majority alliance wasn’t as strong as previously thought, and the implications of seeing a black person voted off were too important to ignore. With Chanelle voted off last week, and then Rocksroy voted off in the first tribal tonight, it gave serious pause to Drea Wheeler and Maryanne Oketch as they considered their votes.
The initial plan was to vote Drea. Clearly, she’s a powerhouse with four different advantages, including an immunity idol. However, Drea witnessed Rocksroy being on the jury as a part of Survivor’s history where black contestants become earlier targets rather than making it further into the game. This conversation was not meant to place blame on the other contestants, but highlight the realities felt by players who come into the game and see a pattern emerge.
One of the most important aspects of Survivor is to recognize the human elements each contestant feels, so when Drea and Maryanne recognize the importance of representation in the game, it is very important to stop and listen. Maryanne, who was supposed to vote for Drea, recognized Drea’s thoughts on representation and vocalized her opinion; Maryanne stated how she couldn’t vote for Drea. In unprecedented tribal council moments, this rises to the top.
Drea and Maryanne both played immunity idols to ensure they were safe for another day. Their idol plays weren’t done frivolously, but were done to show how previous realities do not have to be a constant in Survivor or life. They ensured they would be around for another day by playing hidden immunity idols for themselves in Survivor 42 episode 8. In doing so, they made sure their voices were heard, while making the only other two contestants vulnerable to the vote.
Jonathan had won immunity. Drea and Maryanne played idols for themselves. This left Lindsay and Tori open to being voted out. In this case, Tori was the “easy” target again to vote out, and ultimately that’s what happened in tonight’s episode. The shocking realization where the vote did not take place, with host Jeff Probst calling everyone to play their votes out loud, it left a greater risk for Lindsay as it was clear Tori would be playing her “shot in the dark,” which allows her to use her vote to seek a one-in-six chance to gain immunity.
Wow! What a powerful and emotional tribal council. Thank you to everyone who was vulnerable and able to share their truth.💚 #Survivor
— SURVIVOR (@survivorcbs) April 28, 2022
Lindsay could breathe a sigh of relief as Tori is sent home tonight, but the bigger picture lets viewers know the pains some players bring to the game. Survivor 42 episode 8 gives fans a glimpse into the realities that black players might feel when they plan this game. It’s an important conversation to share and it’s one I appreciate the players for sharing for the millions of viewers who watch each week.
What did you think of Survivor 42 episode 8? Did you also appreciate the importance behind Drea and Maryanne playing their hidden immunity idols? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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