When it comes to characters, Bob’s Burgers is top-tier. The series is known for having one of the most wholesome yet realistic family dynamics in the animation world. Thus far, it’s served the show well.
However, there are some missing links when it comes to relationships within the Belcher family that have been addressed. In particular, there seems to be a disconnect between Linda and Louise along with Bob and Gene. While it’s obvious they all can’t be super close, it’s clear the show is trying.
Family is a huge part of Bob’s Burgers universe and it’s only right to see those underrepresented relationships shown. In particular, we’ll get to see Bob and Gene as the dynamic duo we rarely see but desperately need.
If you haven’t watched Bob’s Burgers episode, “A-Sprout A Boy,” there will be spoilers from this point on.
Here’s what happened on Bob’s Burgers episode, “A-Sprout A Boy.”
The episode begins with Gene playing his handheld game eerily similar to Tamagotchis while Bob is more interested in Gene’s new science project to grow microgreens at home. Bob keeps trying to get Gene interested, but he won’t stop playing his game. To try and get Gene excited, Bob decides to make it his mission to prove it’s going to be fun versus Gene relying on his game.
The following day, Bob tries to get Gene more involved but he can’t stop worrying about changing the outfit on his cat game. Later that night, Bob wants Gene to check on the sprouts with him but once again, he can’t stop playing the game. It keeps going on day after day until it’s the day before the project is due. In order to get it done, Bob takes the game away from Gene and Bob promises to make sure the cat stays alive.
It’s going fine until Bob accidentally drops the game in the bread delivery truck and they end up arguing over which is more important: the game or the microgreens project. When they get the game back, Gene’s cat died and he is obviously distraught from that point on. Eventually, the two are able to work together to save Gene’s game, and Bob apologizes to Gene for being so hard on him. The episode ends with Bob garnishing the next night’s dinner with the sprouts.
Meanwhile, Linda assigns Louise and Tina to get some groceries so she can wait for Teddy’s salmon delivery. The two agree to it as long as they’re able to keep the change and Linda says yes as long as it’s coins that Louise makes happen. To use the coins, they decide to play with a kiddie ride at the grocery store and become obsessed since Linda is still waiting on Teddy’s delivery. Eventually, the two get in trouble for being on it too much and have to go home.
“A-Sprout A Boy” shows us a new side to Bob and Gene’s relationship.
While most Bob’s Burgers episodes focus on one character, “A-Sprout A Boy” did such a unique job of examining the relationship between Bob and Gene. As far as familial relationships go, Bob and Gene aren’t exactly close. While it’s clear they love each other, it’s clear they have different personalities and priorities. Obviously, the latest episode proves just that.
However, the episode did an excellent job of not only showing the differences between Bob and Gene but not belittling either of them for it. Rather, the show celebrated Bob’s dedication to growing some microgreens while showcasing how much Gene loved his game. It was honestly such a refreshing change of pace.
A lot of times, the show will tend to pit Bob and Gene against each other but somehow, they managed to subvert that this time. Rather than Bob being overjoyed and excited to work on the project after Gene lost his game, he eventually gave in and helped Gene. Meanwhile, Gene realized that while his game was fun, working on his project should have been a bigger priority for him.
Overall, this episode felt like an excellent representation of Bob and Gene’s relationship. Maybe it was the writing or the way the characters were portrayed, but it felt like a turning point for Bob and Gene. While it’s obvious the show isn’t going to pair them up often, it’s nice to see the growth in their relationship from previous seasons.
Then again, maybe I’m the only one who loved seeing the unique take on Bob and Gene’s relationship. However, I feel like this episode could resonate with a lot of people. Either way, I thought this episode was just excellent and showed a different side to some of our favorite characters.
Bob’s Burgers airs Sundays on Fox at 9/8c.
What did you think of Bob and Gene in “A-Sprout A Boy?” Be sure to let us know in the comments.