Nope age rating: Is the Jordan Peele movie suitable for kids?

NOPE - Courtesy Universal Pictures
NOPE - Courtesy Universal Pictures /

Jordan Peele has a new movie coming out the theaters. Is this one to take the kids to? Here’s a look at the Nope age rating to get an idea.

When you hear Jordan Peele has a new movie, there’s no doubt that you’re probably flocking straight to theaters to watch it. He is a master in the horror genre.

This movie follows a brother and sister who want to get their “money shot” when they see an extraterrestrial. Of course, that brings its own problems. Sometimes, you just want to leave the aliens alone.

The problem is that its summer. That means the kids are at home, and it means you’ll likely be looking for movies to take them to see. Is Nope going to be one of them? You’ll want to check out the Nope age rating to see if you can take them to the theaters.

Nope age rating

The official MMPA Nope age rating is R. This means it’s not suitable for children under the age of 18. The movie theaters will not allow you to take your children in to see it.

This is a rating given due to the graphic nature of the movie. There is violence, nudity, and foul language. If you’ve seen Us and Get Out, you pretty much know what to expect.

What about when the movie is released on a streaming platform? Then it’s up to you what you let your children watch? Your older teens may be mature enough to handle the movie. If they’ve watched Us and Get Out, they’ll probably appreciate another Jordan Peele horror. However, it’s best to watch it yourself first to get an idea about it.

Thor: Love and Thunder age rating. dark. Next

Nope is out in theaters this weekend on Friday, July 22.