Boy, was it tense on today’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful.
The soap has been turning the temperature up on Hope and Thomas’ custody struggle over Douglas. However, it’s not the two parents that are causing all the trouble. It’s Brooke.
Last episode, she told Hope that she was concerned for Douglas’ safety in his father’s care. Today, she doubled down on that concern and nearly sent Hope into a panic when she brought up the knife Thomas had around their son. Liam walked in on the conversation, and he became just as alarmed.
Once again, Brooke led with the bit about the knife but almost left out the part about Thomas using it to cut his apple when recapping their conversation. However, she did at least get around to that important detail.
The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Sept. 27)
Hope calmed down after she heard what the knife was being used for, but Brooke still insisted that Thomas isn’t stable enough to have custody of his son. She also led Hope and Liam to believe that he’d been taunting her with the knife. Brooke didn’t say he had been, but she also didn’t tell Liam that Thomas wasn’t taunting her when he asked her outright.
The picture she painted for the two was concerning and not at all what went down at Forrester Mansion. If Taylor and Steffy had heard Brooke, they both would have said it was a prime example of the Logan twisting what she saw to fit the narrative she wants which is that Thomas is a danger to himself and those around him.
Those two, however, were in Taylor’s office where they were discussing Brooke’s vendetta against Thomas. Steffy’s convinced that one day Brooke will do something so egregious concerning her or her brother that Ridge will finally walk away from his wife.
Taylor isn’t so sure nor does she want Ridge to come back to her because Brooke messes up. She wants him to choose her and their family because it’s what he wants for his life and his future. Steffy thinks that time is coming.
The mother-daughter pair also discussed Brooke’s negative feelings toward Ridge’s children with Taylor because they’re a reminder of the family he has that she’s not a part of. As well as the way Brooke seems to be getting into Thomas’ head when it comes to his idea of himself as a father.
We saw the validity of that talking point when Thomas spoke with his dad about how he’d never hurt his son. He expressed a desire to go home and make sure the mansion was safe and that Douglas couldn’t hurt himself because he doesn’t want anyone to believe he can’t provide a secure and loving environment for his child.
Honestly, it’s heartbreaking seeing Thomas’ efforts go unnoticed by Brooke and the lengths she seems to be going to attempt to turn Hope and Ridge’s positive image of Thomas into her twisted picture of who he is. But how far is she willing to go? Possibly over the line considering Child Protective Services paid a visit to Thomas by the end of the episode.
The Bold and the Beautiful: Did Brooke call CPS on Thomas?
While we’ll acknowledge this could be a set-up by the writers to get us to think Brooke called CPS on Thomas when it wasn’t her, the evidence is definitely pointing toward her. Brooke already told Ridge she’d call the agency on his son if she had to and he told her not to do that. She was also worked up after recounting her interaction with Thomas to her daughter and Liam.
Brooke’s chief concerns are Douglas’ safety and the fact that Thomas hasn’t brought his son back to Hope’s care. It doesn’t seem to matter to her that the child asked to spend more time with his father or that Hope wants to keep the situation from escalating. Also, near the end of the episode she walked back into the office where Liam and Hope were, phone in hand. That doesn’t mean she called CPS, but Brooke did say she’d do whatever it takes to ensure Douglas is back with Hope.
We know Liam didn’t call, he was with Hope all episode. And it wasn’t Hope because she doesn’t agree that Thomas is a danger to their son. In fact, it seemed like Liam was starting to catch on to the possibility that he and his wife aren’t on the same page about bringing Douglas back into their care full-time.
That’s not to say Hope no longer wants to be his mother but that this time without him has likely put into perspective how Thomas has been feeling not having equal time with Douglas. If Brooke did call CPS, there’s certain to be a clash between mother and daughter coming our way. In fact, she’s going to catch heat from everyone that’s Team Thomas including Ridge.
The talented designer had been playing chess with his grandson when the authorities came knocking on the mansion’s door. They were having a good time and Ridge was working in questions about Douglas’ thoughts on his living situation.
It’s clear the boy is enjoying his time with his family and isn’t distressed at all, but he may become distressed if the CPS workers make his father out to be unfit to care for him. For as much as Brooke is worried about Douglas’ safety and emotional well-being, if she made this call then she’s the one who disrupted the child’s happiness not his dad.
Previously, we speculated that Thomas may have called the authorities on himself to manipulate the situation so that Brooke looks like she went over the line. It’s something we’re hoping isn’t the case. And, though Thomas was left alone in the office when his dad went to the mansion to see Douglas, we don’t think he made the call. His surprise at the arrival of CPS at his home seemed sincere. Since we’re Team Thomas like the rest of the Forresters, we’re hoping he’s not about to disappoint us.
Brooke making a decision like this, however, is right in her wheelhouse. She’s shortsighted enough not to see how this could blow back on her and have her at odds with her daughter, her marriage on its last legs with Ridge, and having the full ire of the Forrester family directed entirely at her.
We can’t wait to see what happens next on The Bold and the Beautiful!
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes air Monday-Friday on CBS. Evening viewing is available on Paramount+.